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Rural tourism is viewed as the most useful tool, increasing the economic benefit, simulating social regeneration and improving the living conditions of rural communities. Especially in rural areas, traditional market has been considered as a space for entertaining, experiencing local culture, interacting other people and providing regional products. This paper examines the relations among rural traditional market performance and tourist's perceived potential tour product, satisfaction, and loyalty about the visit region. A Total of 646 questionnaires were collected at the Hongseong traditional market through from March to November, 2012, and the regression analysis was used to investigate relations between rural traditional market and potential tour product, tourist satisfaction and region loyalty. As a results, all three hypotheses are adopted. The results indicate that dedicated efforts and more awareness are needed to develop the core purpose of rural traditional market for tour resource developing and local marketing. It concludes with limitations of study and an analysis of future research needs associated with traditional market in rural area.