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This study analyzes the differences consumption emotions of family restaurant customers between those who use Social Network Service(SNS) and those who do not use SNS. This study hypothesized that there would be differences in the consumption emotions of family restaurant customers according to their SNS use status. It is because family restaurants are trying to improve their images and attract customers by providing SNS, such as Facebook, Twitter, and Kakaotalk. This author thinks that such SNS will affect the consumption emotion intention of family restaurant customers. To analyze the effects, this study analyzes the SNS effect relationship. For this study, a survey was conducted for 15 days from June 10, 2013 and 281 valid responses were analyzed.The analysis showed that there are differences in the consumption emotions intention of family restaurant customers according to their SNS use status. To prove differences, degree centrality and closeness centrality of network were analyzed. This study found that there are differences in degree centrality and closeness centrality between those who use SNS and those who do not use SNS. This study is meaningful as it attempts beyond the analysis of effect relationship between significant attributes and expands research to network. It is expected that network research on SNS will continue based on the results of this study.