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The purpose of this research was to discover if there was a correlation between the perception of Korean wave on Korea’s national image that Chinese adolescents visiting Korea had, and if Korean wave and Korea's national image had an influence on tourist satisfaction, and if their tourist satisfaction had an influence on their behavioral intentions. A strategic improvement plan to develop national image to attract Chinese adolescents for education tourism to Korea was also made. A summary of the current findings is as follows. First, the researchers discovered that there is a correlation between the perception of Korean wave and national image. Second, the perception of Korean wave influenced tourist satisfaction. Third, national image had an influence on tourist satisfaction. Fourth, tourist satisfaction had a positive influence on behavioral intentions. The results of this research show that there is a correlation between the perception of Korean wave and national image; also, the perception of Korean wave and national image had a positive influence on tourist satisfaction, while tourist satisfaction had an influence on revisiting and the intention to recommend traveling to Korea to others.