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The purpose of this study is to identify the effect of organizational conflict of hotel room department on organizational trust and job performance. The questionnaire was distributed one month period from December 1st to December 31st in 2013 of the 350 distributed questionnaire 290 copies were used in the analysis. The results of the study were as follows. First, it was found that factors of organizational conflict of hotel room department are job conflict, communication conflict, emotion conflict and compensation conflict. Second, it appeared that organizational conflict had an influence on organizational trust. To put it concretely, the factors of job conflict, communication conflict, emotion conflict and compensation conflict had an influence on organizational trust. Third, it also indicated that organizational conflict had an influence on job performance. In detail, the factors of job conflict, communication conflict, emotion conflict and compensation conflict had an influence on job performance. Lastly, it appeared that organizational trust had an influence on job performance. Through this, it is proved organizational conflict of hotel room department is a very important variables that can improve organizational trust and job performance of hotel room department. They have to invest their resources more efficiently making changes to organizational conflict to increase the organizational trust and job performance.