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본고는 추재의 젊은 시절 저작인 「외이죽지사(外夷竹枝詞)」를 서지적(書誌的) 측면에서 고찰하고 내용을 분석하고자 하였다. 1. 그간 「외이죽지사」의 부록으로 알려져왔던 「일본잡영(日本雜詠)」은 추재 조수삼의 저 작이 아닌 팔민(八閩) 사희정(沙喜亭)의 저작임을 밝혀 기존의 『추재집(秋齋集)』 편간(編 刊)의 문제점을 제시하고, 「외이죽지사」의 선본(善本) 문제를 확정하였다. 2. 「외이죽지사」는 『방여승략(方輿勝略)』이라는 명대(明代)의 서적을 접한 후 추재가 죽지 사(竹枝詞)의 형식으로 저작한 것이다. 이는 문화사(文化史) 자료로서의 성격을 내포한 문제작이며, 그 모본(模本)인 되었던 『방여승략』에 대한 고찰을 병행하였다. 3. 「외이죽지사」가 추재의 1차 연행 후에 저작된 사실에 착안하고, 이와 관련하여 작품의 저작동기를 밝히려 하였다. 그리고 「외이죽지사」는 『방여승략』에서 언급하지 않았던 이역 (異域)의 문화사(文化史)를 특기하였고, 이때 추재가 고증적 저술 태도를 견지하였다는 점 에 논의의 초점을 맞추었다.

Chu-Jae(秋齋) Cho, Soo-Sam(趙秀三)(1762~1849) was a Yeo-Hang(閭巷) literary man(文 人) from the late 18th century to the early 19th century. There have been many treatises on Chu-jae’s work, which inclined to 「Ki-Yi(紀異)」, 「Bukhaengbaekjul(北行百絶)」. Like this, Chu-Jae’s works in his later years have been analyzed and researched. As 『Kyungwonchongjip(經畹總集)』 and 「Yeonsangsohae(聯牀小諧)」, Chu-Jae’s literary works in his younger days have been known to the academic world, it requires to study in these works. In this study, therefore, I tried to study his younger days’ work , 「Woijukjisa(外夷竹枝 詞)」 from a bibliographical angle. The necessity of this study is as follow. 1. I found out the fact that 「Ilbonjapyoung(日本雜詠)」 known as the appendix of 「Woijukjisa」 was written not by Chu-Jae Cho, Soo-Sam but by Pal-Min(八閩) Sa, Hee-Jeong(沙喜亭). Concerning this fact, I tried to show the problem with editing of the existing 『Chu-Jae Jip(秋齋集)』, in addition to conforming the matter about the most credible transcription. 2. Chu-jae wrote 「Woijukjisa」 in the form of Jukjisa(竹枝詞), after he read 『Bangyeoseungryak(方輿勝略)』 in Myung Dynasty. As it included a specific character as a material of cultural history beyond a description of his impressions, it can be a subject of discussion. Also, I tried to study 『Baneyeoseungryak』, for it is a model of 「Woijukjisa」. 3. I perceived 「Woijukjisa」 written after Chu-Jae’s 1st Yeonhaeng(燕行), so I tried to be ascertained his writing motive. And Chu-Jae was influenced by his changed viewpoint caused by the 6 times Yeonhaeng and bibliographical attitude. He wrote 「Woijukjisa」 owing to much interest in ‘Wonyujiji(遠遊之志)’ and ‘Tosokswaisa(土俗瑣事).’ 4. Chu-Jae made mention of an alien land of those days in 「Woijuksisa」. Therefore it is important to find out for him to study historical evidence. And it is remarkable to focus on cultural history of a strange land in the structure of the work as well.

Chu-Jae(秋齋) Cho, Soo-Sam(趙秀三)(1762~1849) was a Yeo-Hang(閭巷) literary man(文 人) from the late 18th century to the early 19th century. There have been many treatises on Chu-jae’s work, which inclined to 「Ki-Yi(紀異)」, 「Bukhaengbaekjul(北行百絶)」. Like this, Chu-Jae’s works in his later years have been analyzed and researched. As 『Kyungwonchongjip(經畹總集)』 and 「Yeonsangsohae(聯牀小諧)」, Chu-Jae’s literary works in his younger days have been known to the academic world, it requires to study in these works. In this study, therefore, I tried to study his younger days’ work , 「Woijukjisa(外夷竹枝 詞)」 from a bibliographical angle. The necessity of this study is as follow. 1. I found out the fact that 「Ilbonjapyoung(日本雜詠)」 known as the appendix of 「Woijukjisa」 was written not by Chu-Jae Cho, Soo-Sam but by Pal-Min(八閩) Sa, Hee-Jeong(沙喜亭). Concerning this fact, I tried to show the problem with editing of the existing 『Chu-Jae Jip(秋齋集)』, in addition to conforming the matter about the most credible transcription. 2. Chu-jae wrote 「Woijukjisa」 in the form of Jukjisa(竹枝詞), after he read 『Bangyeoseungryak(方輿勝略)』 in Myung Dynasty. As it included a specific character as a material of cultural history beyond a description of his impressions, it can be a subject of discussion. Also, I tried to study 『Baneyeoseungryak』, for it is a model of 「Woijukjisa」. 3. I perceived 「Woijukjisa」 written after Chu-Jae’s 1st Yeonhaeng(燕行), so I tried to be ascertained his writing motive. And Chu-Jae was influenced by his changed viewpoint caused by the 6 times Yeonhaeng and bibliographical attitude. He wrote 「Woijukjisa」 owing to much interest in ‘Wonyujiji(遠遊之志)’ and ‘Tosokswaisa(土俗瑣事).’ 4. Chu-Jae made mention of an alien land of those days in 「Woijuksisa」. Therefore it is important to find out for him to study historical evidence. And it is remarkable to focus on cultural history of a strange land in the structure of the work as well.