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『동동』을 이해하기 위해 “歌詞多有頌禱之詞盖効仙語”의 의미를 살펴보았다. ‘송’과 ‘도’, 그리고 ‘선’은 긴밀하게 연계돼 있었다. 송도는 君臣, 부자, 尊卑, 老少, 부부처럼 상하관계가 형성된 상태에서 가능했다. 윗사람이 아랫사람에게 긍정적인 영향을 미칠 때 그것을 찬미하는 게 ‘송’이었다. 그리고 그러한 상태가 지속되기 위해 윗사람의 수명이 연장되기를 바라는 게 ‘도’였다. 송도하는 공간에는 음률과 술을 바탕으로 한 ‘노래와 춤’이 있었고 이곳에 등장하는 신선은 음악, 향기, 풍류와 관련된 기녀의 또 다른 명칭이었다. 특히 ‘힘껏 마시자’로 일관하고 있는 『자하동』에 대한 ‘노랫말이 모두 仙語’라는 평가는 불사적 존재를 추구하는 ‘선’과 그 방법으로서의 음주, 그리고 음주공간에 있어야 할 음악, 향기, 풍류를 포함하는 표현이듯 『동동』의 ‘선어’도 ‘기녀의 역할과 정서를 담고 있는 말’로 해석해야 했다. 『동동』의 노랫말에서 송, 도, 선을 찾아보면, ‘송’은 ‘높이 켠 등불같구나 만인 비추실 모습’과 ‘남의 부러워할 모습을 지’녔다처럼 녹사의 외모와 관계되고 ‘도’는 ‘단오날 약주는 천년을 길이 사실 약이라 드’린다와 ‘약이라고 하여 먹는 국화로 국화주를 빚어 넣’는다처럼 녹사의 수명 연장과 관련된 진술이다. 물론 존과 비, 기부와 기녀는 녹사와 기녀화자의 관계였고 송도가 공간적으로 떨어져 있는 상태에서도 가능했다. 무엇보다 『동동』 전편에서 발견할 수 있는 화자의 심사는 ‘송도’ 및 ‘선어’와 관련돼 있었다. 특히 의견이 분분했던 12월 노랫말을 ‘기녀의 역할과 정서를 담고 있는 말’ 곧 ‘선어’에 기대 온전히 분석할 수 있었다.

I investigated the meaning of “gasadayusongdojisagaehyoseoneo(歌詞多有頌禱之詞盖効 仙語)” to understand 「Dongdong(動動)」. ‘Song(頌)’, ‘Do(禱)’, and ‘Seon(仙)’ are closely related one another. Songdo(頌禱) can be accomplished within the high and low relations between sovereign and subject, father and son, aristocrat and plebeian, age and youth, and husband and wife. ‘Song(頌)’ is made for admiration in case that the high class has a good effect on the low class. In addition, ‘Do(禱)’ contains the wish of the low class that the high class may live long and the relations of the classes may be maintained. There are songs and dances in the place of Songdo(頌禱), and Sinseon(神仙) who appears in this place means the another name of Ginyeo(妓女) in the middle of music, flavor and romantic graces. Especially, the estimation that the lyric about 「Jahadong(紫霞洞)」 of the consistent ‘hard drinking’ is a kind of Seoneo(仙語) shows that it includes the immortal ‘Seon(仙)’, drinking for ‘Seon (仙)’, and music, flavor, romantic graces in the place. As a result, ‘Seoneo(仙語)’ in 「Dongdong」 is analyzed as a word which contains the duty and emotion of Ginyeo(妓女). To search for the meaning of Song(頌), Do(禱), and Seon(仙) from the lyric of 「Dongdong」, ‘Song(頌)’ is related with Noksa(錄事)’s appearance, Do(禱) with Noksa(錄事)’s long life expectancy. Surely, the relation of aristocrat and plebeian, and Gibu(妓夫) and Ginyeo(妓女) indicates one between Noksa(錄事) and the speaker who is Ginyeo(妓女), and Songdo(頌禱) is available even at a distance. Most of all, the speaker’s thought appeared in 「Dongdong(動 動)」 is related with ‘Songdo(頌禱)’ or ‘Seoneo(仙語)’. Especially, the obscure lyrics of December can be explained entirely through ‘Seoneo(仙語)’, a word which contains the duty and emotion of Ginyeo(妓女).

I investigated the meaning of “gasadayusongdojisagaehyoseoneo(歌詞多有頌禱之詞盖効 仙語)” to understand 「Dongdong(動動)」. ‘Song(頌)’, ‘Do(禱)’, and ‘Seon(仙)’ are closely related one another. Songdo(頌禱) can be accomplished within the high and low relations between sovereign and subject, father and son, aristocrat and plebeian, age and youth, and husband and wife. ‘Song(頌)’ is made for admiration in case that the high class has a good effect on the low class. In addition, ‘Do(禱)’ contains the wish of the low class that the high class may live long and the relations of the classes may be maintained. There are songs and dances in the place of Songdo(頌禱), and Sinseon(神仙) who appears in this place means the another name of Ginyeo(妓女) in the middle of music, flavor and romantic graces. Especially, the estimation that the lyric about 「Jahadong(紫霞洞)」 of the consistent ‘hard drinking’ is a kind of Seoneo(仙語) shows that it includes the immortal ‘Seon(仙)’, drinking for ‘Seon (仙)’, and music, flavor, romantic graces in the place. As a result, ‘Seoneo(仙語)’ in 「Dongdong」 is analyzed as a word which contains the duty and emotion of Ginyeo(妓女). To search for the meaning of Song(頌), Do(禱), and Seon(仙) from the lyric of 「Dongdong」, ‘Song(頌)’ is related with Noksa(錄事)’s appearance, Do(禱) with Noksa(錄事)’s long life expectancy. Surely, the relation of aristocrat and plebeian, and Gibu(妓夫) and Ginyeo(妓女) indicates one between Noksa(錄事) and the speaker who is Ginyeo(妓女), and Songdo(頌禱) is available even at a distance. Most of all, the speaker’s thought appeared in 「Dongdong(動 動)」 is related with ‘Songdo(頌禱)’ or ‘Seoneo(仙語)’. Especially, the obscure lyrics of December can be explained entirely through ‘Seoneo(仙語)’, a word which contains the duty and emotion of Ginyeo(妓女).