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이 논문은 ‘돈’과 ‘부’를 주요한 서사적 화제로 삼은 설화 텍스트 속에 구조화되거나 전제된 한국인의 의식과 문화적 근간을 살펴보는 것을 목적으로 삼는다. 설화에서 ‘부자/빈자’는 대립 관계를 이룬다. ‘선한 빈자’에 대한 동정과 ‘악한 부자’에 대한 징계라는 대립 구도가 일반적이지만, 타락한 부자를 속인 기만적 빈자의 승리담, 부의 공유를 선택하는 빈자와 부자의 공생담도 존재한다. 이는 ‘돈/부자’에 대한 설화 향유층의 다층적 인식이 존재했음을 보여주며, 설화적 상상의 세계가 윤리나 도덕에 강박되지 않고, 돈에 대한 욕망과 돈 자체의 생리를 하나의 현실로 인정하려 했음을 보여준다. 특히 설화 향유층은 빈자의 거짓말에 관대한 반면, 부자의 탐욕에는 냉정한 처벌을 요청했는데, 이는 향유층이 경제력의 도덕성을 요청한 데서 그치지 않고, 경제력의 재분배 자체를 ‘선’으로 파악했음을 보여준다. ‘돈/부’를 중심으로 한 설화에 담긴 인간간과 세계관은 윤리 담론, 횡재 담론, 노동 담론에 따라 상이하다. ‘윤리 담론’은 선한 이에게 부자가 될 기회가 주어진다는 발상을 전제로 삼고 있다. ‘횡재 담론’에 나타난 경제 논리에 대한 몰이해는 누구나 부자가 될 수 있다는 막연한 가능성을 열어놓는 희망의 근거로 작용한다. ‘노동 담론’에서는 경제적 주체로서의 인간을 상정하고, 노동과 부를 결부시켰다. 설화에서의 ‘돈/부’와 ‘부자’ 담론은 경제의 윤리성, 부자의 사회적 책임을 상정했다는 점에서 문화적 건강성을 보여준다.

This paper analyzed Korean cognition and cultural basis on the ‘money’ and ‘rich people’ that were narrated in Korean folk tales. Lots of folk tales shows the rich people’s unique manner of life, ability, sense of values, and special experience of good luck. Such narratives result from the view point that the rich people are different from the common people in points of personality, temperament, and fortune. In some stories relating with ‘becoming of rich people’, contingency works as the most influential element. In such stories reflect some view point that the rich is related with a chance factor and only luck people can obtain that opportunity. There are premised the point of view of envy and resign to the fate in these stories. In folk tales, there are antagonistic relationship between the rich and the poor, as it were, the good poor and the bad rich. However, there are also exist the winning stories on the decisive poor people against the corrupted rich people, and symbiotic relationship between the both. These narratives show that there are multi-vision on the money and the rich people, and the imagination of narratives wasn’t controled by the moral and ethics, but have some tendency that are going to recognize the desire on money and the physiology of money itself as a reality. The audience of folk tales were magnanimous to the poor people’s lie and trick, but strict to the rich people’s greedy. They demanded the economical ethics to the wealthy person and regarded the redistribution of wealth as goodness. There are three discourses on ‘money/wealthy’ in folk taled; ethics, windfall and labor discourse. The first, ‘ethics stories’ are premised the idea that only the good people can get the lucky opportunity to be rich. The rich people don’t have any special sense of wealth, nor economical management ability, but only the moral people can be a man of wealth. Such ideas show the ununderstanding view point on the physiology of money or economical logic, and also show the expectation of ethical world which give the opportunity of being rich only to the moral persons. The second, ‘windfall stories’ give some vague hope that everyone can be rich by chance. The third, ‘labor stories’ connect the labor and the wealth and take a serious view on the economical subject. It has hardly ever been found the persons were above riches and wealth. It is differ from the narrative reality of ‘yadam(野談)’, in which can find several persons who don’t persue the money and the wealth at all, and the reader regarded them as respectful ones. There are on text which are spoken with a position of the rich people. It results from the view point of the audience that regard in the same light as the poor, not the rich. These folk tales show some expectation to ‘the good money’ and ‘the ethical society’ and recognize the discord of the moral and money as a problematic situation. Such stories represent contemporary cultural health in the points of premising economic ethics and the rich person’s social responsibility.

This paper analyzed Korean cognition and cultural basis on the ‘money’ and ‘rich people’ that were narrated in Korean folk tales. Lots of folk tales shows the rich people’s unique manner of life, ability, sense of values, and special experience of good luck. Such narratives result from the view point that the rich people are different from the common people in points of personality, temperament, and fortune. In some stories relating with ‘becoming of rich people’, contingency works as the most influential element. In such stories reflect some view point that the rich is related with a chance factor and only luck people can obtain that opportunity. There are premised the point of view of envy and resign to the fate in these stories. In folk tales, there are antagonistic relationship between the rich and the poor, as it were, the good poor and the bad rich. However, there are also exist the winning stories on the decisive poor people against the corrupted rich people, and symbiotic relationship between the both. These narratives show that there are multi-vision on the money and the rich people, and the imagination of narratives wasn’t controled by the moral and ethics, but have some tendency that are going to recognize the desire on money and the physiology of money itself as a reality. The audience of folk tales were magnanimous to the poor people’s lie and trick, but strict to the rich people’s greedy. They demanded the economical ethics to the wealthy person and regarded the redistribution of wealth as goodness. There are three discourses on ‘money/wealthy’ in folk taled; ethics, windfall and labor discourse. The first, ‘ethics stories’ are premised the idea that only the good people can get the lucky opportunity to be rich. The rich people don’t have any special sense of wealth, nor economical management ability, but only the moral people can be a man of wealth. Such ideas show the ununderstanding view point on the physiology of money or economical logic, and also show the expectation of ethical world which give the opportunity of being rich only to the moral persons. The second, ‘windfall stories’ give some vague hope that everyone can be rich by chance. The third, ‘labor stories’ connect the labor and the wealth and take a serious view on the economical subject. It has hardly ever been found the persons were above riches and wealth. It is differ from the narrative reality of ‘yadam(野談)’, in which can find several persons who don’t persue the money and the wealth at all, and the reader regarded them as respectful ones. There are on text which are spoken with a position of the rich people. It results from the view point of the audience that regard in the same light as the poor, not the rich. These folk tales show some expectation to ‘the good money’ and ‘the ethical society’ and recognize the discord of the moral and money as a problematic situation. Such stories represent contemporary cultural health in the points of premising economic ethics and the rich person’s social responsibility.

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money, the rich, the poor, wealth, poverty, economy, moral, virtue and vice, greed, unexpected fortune, goblin(dokebi), lie, Othering, point of view, imagination, folk tales money, the rich, the poor, wealth, poverty, economy, moral, virtue and vice, greed, unexpected fortune, goblin(dokebi), lie, Othering, point of view, imagination, folk tales