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A study on the dynamics of the structure of the first patriarch Hanam seon master(漢巖禪師)'s <Chamseongok(參禪曲)>, URIMALGEUL: The Korean Langu- age and Literature 48, pp.147~176. The seon master Hanam is being famous as the first patriarch of Joge order(初代曹溪宗正) that is the main and biggist Buddist sect in Korea. He composed only one Seon Buddist Gasa in Korean named <Chamseongog(參禪曲)>, many pieces of Gatha(偈頌), and several essays in Chinese throughout his life. But the literary works that he composed are in existence so many because of his collection of literary works's being that is 『Hanamjib(漢巖集)』. He carried out the movement of Seon practicing tradition innovation by concentrating on Seon practicing and writing works about Seon during his whole life. So he used some specific expression styles in unit of persona, the way of discoursing, the contents of paragraph in his Gasa. That's the reason I studied on the dynamics of the structure of the first patriarch Hanam Seon master(漢巖禪師)'s <Chamseongog(參禪曲)>. First, I found out the facts that Hanam Seon master(漢巖禪師)'s <Chamseongog(參禪曲)>has three kinds of personas: the teacher and the practitioner, the sentient- being. In the first paragraph only the sentient-being is appearing. And in second to fourth paragraph the teacher and the practitioner are appearing together. In fifth paragraph only the teacher is appearing. Next, I studied the way of discoursing that got used in Hanam Seon master(漢巖禪師)'s <Chamseongog(參禪曲)>. The persona teacher expressed his informations and opinions about Seon Buddhism by using the way of the explaining and insisting from second to fifth paragraph. But the persona practitioner and sentient-being expressed their experience and feeing by using the way of describing from first to forth paragraph. Lastly, I researched the contents of all paragraphs of Hanam Seon master(漢巖禪師)'s <Chamseongog(參禪曲)>. There were appeared many kinds of feelings about the sentient-being's fatalness in aspect of mind and body, next life, bad karma in the paragraph. And there were appeared many kinds of lessons and experience, feelings from second to fifth paragraph. The lessons and the experiences were about the way of Hwado(話頭) practicing according to the step of enlightenment level. The Hanam seon master(漢巖禪師)'s <Chamseongog(參禪曲)> must be treated very highly because of it's modelling Buddhist Gasa work lastly written by monk writer. (Andong National University)