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This paper aims to examine some interrelationship of metaphoric and metonymic expressions, on the basis of Lakoff’s terminology, idealized cognitive models (ICM) in English translated text of Confucian Analects. Many previous studies have classified the common ground, differences or interaction of metaphor and metonymy, but they have not been mainly concerned with the textual implication and aspects of interrelationship with the two figurative expressions. In this study, we have argued that the interrelationship of metaphoric and metonymic expressions in Confucian Analects is built up by mainly two styles. The first is that some metaphorical expressions are overlapped through the image schema in metaphor and metonymic mapping, which are based on the speaker’s conventional language use, thought, attitude or understanding of real world, and another process is formed contextually in ICM. This account will turn out to be helpful in providing readers with more grounds for the contextual figurative meanings. (Dongguk University/Kangwon University)