초록 열기/닫기 버튼

This paper describes the design and pilot year of a university Freshman English program commis- sioned to go beyond ‘conversation English’ and meet the academic and professional needs of students in terms of ‘speaking and writing English.’ The aims of the 6th and 7th National Curricula were incorporated into two in-house textbooks through the use of a task-based, student-centered, integrated approach, promoting autonomy, responsibility for learning, and collaboration. Self/peer-assessments, peer editing of written assignments, portfolios, and end-of-semester projects were employed in order to develop language awareness and promote language learning strategies. Formative evaluation of the program was assisted by instructor-and student-feedback, along with university-administered student evaluations. This paper examines the effectiveness of the program as perceived by students and describes how their qualitative feedback enabled formative change to occur. It is hoped that the results will be helpful for similar language programs.