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Foreign direct investment is very important in Korea because the country depends on exports and foreign trade rather than domestic demand. From this perspective, expatriate of foreign enterprises is treated as a key player of Korea economies. However, they are minority in housing studies probably because the number of expatriates is small compared to the total number of foreigners in Korea. This study aims to investigate residential preference and location decisions of expatriates in Seoul. A direct survey was conducted from executive and senior level personnels of 96 expatriates. The results show that expatriate's residential preference is different from general foreigners’ in terms of the type of house, rent level, and location determinants. Expatriates prefer spacious detached house or villa to low-rent multi-family house or apartment. About a half of them (43.8%) pay 10 million won or over for monthly rent. The most important factor of their location is the accessibility to foreign school (51.0%) because they want to provide the best education environment for their children. From the results, the following policy suggestions are provided: First, high-end residential area with detached houses in areas such as Sungbukdong and Hannamdong should be protected from development pressure for attached houses. Second, when a residential area for expatriates is developed, existence of foreign school is the first factor of success.