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본 연구는 성폭력 피해를 입은 정신지체아의 위기 극복을 목적으로 미술치료를 실시한 사례연구이다. 내담자는 성폭력 피해를 입은 중학교 3학년 여학생이었으며, 미술치료는 2001년 12월 13일부터 2002년 3월 8일까지 회기당 90분씩 16회 실시하였다. 이 사례연구의 결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 미술치료는 성폭력 피해 정신지체아의 불안감을 해소시켜 정서적 안정을 부여하였다. 둘째, 미술치료가 성폭력 피해 정신지체아의 자존감 향상에 긍정적 영향을 미쳤다.

The purpose of this case study was to examine the effects on crisis-weathering of a sexually abused child with mental retardation through art therapy process. The subject was a sexually abused girl with mental retardation, 16y years old in the third grade at junior high school. Therapy period was from December, 13 of 2001 to March, 8 of 2002 for 16 sessions. Each session lasted approximately 90 minutes. The results of this case study were as follows; First, art therapy program was effective in emotion comfort. Second, art therapy program was effective in the self-esteem improvement.

The purpose of this case study was to examine the effects on crisis-weathering of a sexually abused child with mental retardation through art therapy process. The subject was a sexually abused girl with mental retardation, 16y years old in the third grade at junior high school. Therapy period was from December, 13 of 2001 to March, 8 of 2002 for 16 sessions. Each session lasted approximately 90 minutes. The results of this case study were as follows; First, art therapy program was effective in emotion comfort. Second, art therapy program was effective in the self-esteem improvement.