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중세국어의 문헌 중에 하나인 월인석보12를 중심으로 기존연구를 검토하고 보완하며, 의존명사(Bound Noun)를 형태의미론적인 방법으로 연구하는 데 목적이 있다.의존명사는 자립성이 없으며, 관형어의 선행을 필수조건으로 하고, 용언과 통합하며, 실질적인 의미를 가지고 있지 않다.의존명사는 명사에 비하여 수적으로 적지만 선행요소는 관형사형어미 {-ㄴ, -, -ㄹ}, {-ㄴ, -}, {-ㄴ, -ㄹ}, {-ㄴ}, {-ㄹ} 등이 선행하는 것과 후행요소로 격조사, 접속조사, 보조사를 후행하는 것들에 특별한 제약이 있을 뿐만 아니라 환경의 제약에 따라서 의미와 기능을 달리하는 특성을 가지고 있다. 본고에서는 선행후행요소와 함께 의미파악을 연구하고자 한다.

In this study, the bound noun are investigated syntactically and semantically. The result of this study can be concluded as follows: The bound noun in middle korean, unlike the free nouns, cannot be used alone, and require an antecedent element and a postcedent one as necessary condition and subsidary condition respectively. And the bound noun do not have any real meaning as well. A bound noun in the middle korean is what incorporated with an antecedent. The things which are incorporated with the ending of a word are as follows: First, ‘pa’ incorporated with the definite ending of a word, {-ㄴ, -, -ㄹ}. Second, ‘kajang, kot, nyok’ incorporated with the definite ending of a word, {-ㄴ, -ㄹ}. Third, ‘ti, chul’ with the definite ending of a word, {-, -ㄹ}. Fourth, ‘psgeu, tal, tae, man, jyeocha’ with the definite ending of a word, {-ㄴ}. Finally, the bound noun such as ‘spun, sa, chok’ are incorporated with the definite ending of a word, {-ㄹ}. The bound noun in middle korean are co-occured with ad-nominal form. The bound noun incorporated with case are as follows: First, ‘kot, chul’ incorporated with nominal clitic. Second, ‘kot, kajang, jyeocha’ incorporated with objective clitic. Third, ‘psgeu, nyok, chok’ with locative. Fourth, ‘ta, tal, tae, ti, man, pa, spun, yang’ are not followed by clitic in general.

In this study, the bound noun are investigated syntactically and semantically. The result of this study can be concluded as follows: The bound noun in middle korean, unlike the free nouns, cannot be used alone, and require an antecedent element and a postcedent one as necessary condition and subsidary condition respectively. And the bound noun do not have any real meaning as well. A bound noun in the middle korean is what incorporated with an antecedent. The things which are incorporated with the ending of a word are as follows: First, ‘pa’ incorporated with the definite ending of a word, {-ㄴ, -, -ㄹ}. Second, ‘kajang, kot, nyok’ incorporated with the definite ending of a word, {-ㄴ, -ㄹ}. Third, ‘ti, chul’ with the definite ending of a word, {-, -ㄹ}. Fourth, ‘psgeu, tal, tae, man, jyeocha’ with the definite ending of a word, {-ㄴ}. Finally, the bound noun such as ‘spun, sa, chok’ are incorporated with the definite ending of a word, {-ㄹ}. The bound noun in middle korean are co-occured with ad-nominal form. The bound noun incorporated with case are as follows: First, ‘kot, chul’ incorporated with nominal clitic. Second, ‘kot, kajang, jyeocha’ incorporated with objective clitic. Third, ‘psgeu, nyok, chok’ with locative. Fourth, ‘ta, tal, tae, ti, man, pa, spun, yang’ are not followed by clitic in general.