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형태학적으로나 유형학적으로 보아 중국어(漢語)와 한국어를 포함한 알타이諸語는 대단히 다른 언어다. 그래서 과거 두 언어간의 접촉을 대부분 차용관계로 보았지 同源관계로 보지 않아 왔다. 그러나 개별적인 단어의 접촉에 있어 왕왕 차용영역을 뛰어 넘는 접촉 현상을 보이고 있다. 예를 들면, 《文解字》의 “圭聲”계자 중에서 “卦、、奎、蛙、” 等 글자가 대단히 체계적으로 알타이 諸語의 [K-R-]형 단어와 대응하고 있다. 이 대응 단어들은 또 비문화적인 기본 어휘가 대부분이라서 이들을 결코 차용어휘로 분류할 수 없다. 이런 두 언어간의 관계를 우리는 “漢-알타이 同源語(Chinese -Altai Doublet)”라 부른다. 주의해야 할 점은 음운변천의 일반 규칙으로 보아 이들 同源語群의 遠古(Far-Archaic) 讀音이 알타이제어의 複音節語(Polysyllabic Word)와 대단히 유사하다는 점이다. 이는 바로 한자 창제이전에 먼저 [K-R-]로 대표되는 “한-알타이 同源어휘”가 존재했으며, 이 단어들에 근거해 “圭”계열의 형성자들을 만들었고, 알타이어계열에서는 상관된 대량의 파생어들을 만들어냈던 것이다. 중국어(漢語)에 있어서 上古(Archaic)의 複聲母(Consonant Cluster Initial)는 바로 이런 복음절어의 흔적을 나타내고 있다고 봐야할 것이다.

It is so different in both morphology and type between Chinese and Altai that the relationship between them was usually considered as the substitute relationship and was said nothing of the same origin. But there are some individual words that often go beyond the scope of substitute words. For example, “卦、挂、奎、蛙、刲” in a “圭聲(圭 Phonetic radical)” system in the 《說文(SHUO WEN)》are correspond to the words by type of [K-R-] in Altai. They do not belong to cultural words, no more than basic words. Therefore, they can not be considered as substitute words. The words related between these two language systems can be named by “Chinese-Altai Doublet”. What is worth paying attention to is that their pronunciations in Far-archaic probably were close to the Polysyllabic words in Altai, according to the rule of the pronunciation developed by the pronunciations of the groups of these words at the same origin. In summary, the “Chinese-Altai Doublet” must existed before the creation of Chinese. And ether characters in each system of (“圭聲”) the pronunciations of Gui were created or the words interrelated to others Altai were developed, according to these wards. In Chinese, the archaic consonant cluster initial can be regarded as the vestiges of these kinds of an excess syllable.

It is so different in both morphology and type between Chinese and Altai that the relationship between them was usually considered as the substitute relationship and was said nothing of the same origin. But there are some individual words that often go beyond the scope of substitute words. For example, “卦、挂、奎、蛙、刲” in a “圭聲(圭 Phonetic radical)” system in the 《說文(SHUO WEN)》are correspond to the words by type of [K-R-] in Altai. They do not belong to cultural words, no more than basic words. Therefore, they can not be considered as substitute words. The words related between these two language systems can be named by “Chinese-Altai Doublet”. What is worth paying attention to is that their pronunciations in Far-archaic probably were close to the Polysyllabic words in Altai, according to the rule of the pronunciation developed by the pronunciations of the groups of these words at the same origin. In summary, the “Chinese-Altai Doublet” must existed before the creation of Chinese. And ether characters in each system of (“圭聲”) the pronunciations of Gui were created or the words interrelated to others Altai were developed, according to these wards. In Chinese, the archaic consonant cluster initial can be regarded as the vestiges of these kinds of an excess syllable.

키워드열기/닫기 버튼

archaic, Chinese, Altai, Phonetic, radical, 說文, Doublet, Polysyllabic 漢字, 漢語, 韓國語, 알타이어, 同源, 複聲母, 形聲,