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본고는 近代國語 시기에 非音韻化를 겪은 ‘ㆍ’의 변화를 통해 共時的 交替와 通時的 變化의 두 양상의 차이점을 살펴보려는 데에 목적이 있다. 즉 국어의 音韻體系 속에서 이 두 현상이 서로 어떤 관계를 가지고 있으며, 어떤 모습으로 실현되는지를 검토하였다. 이와 함께 기존의 연구에서 이들을 구별하지 못하고 동일한 음 변화로 해석함으로써 나타났던 문제점들을 지적하고, 音韻論的인 차원에서 交替와 變化의 현상을 설명하였다.먼저 ‘ㆍ’의 제1단계 변화라고 말해 왔던 ‘ㆍ>ㅡ’를 제2단계 변화인 ‘ㆍ>ㅏ’의 경우와 비교검토하였다. 그 결과 필자는 두 현상(ㆍ>ㅡ, ㆍ>ㅏ)에 관련된 몇 가지의 커다란 차이점을 발견하였다.첫째, ‘ㆍ’와 ‘ㅡ’와의 관계는 ‘ㆍ>ㅏ’의 변화와는 달리 변화가 雙方向(ㆍ>ㅡ, ㅡ>ㆍ)으로 진행되었다는 점, 둘째, ‘ㆍ>ㅡ’의 변이가 非語頭音節에서만 주로 나타났다는 점, 셋째, ‘ㆍ>ㅏ’의 변화로 국어의 母音體系가 변동을 겪었음에 반해 ‘ㆍ>ㅡ’는 그러한 體系의 變動이 수반되지 않았다는 점 등이 그것이다. 이러한 사실은 ‘ㆍ>ㅡ’와 ‘ㆍ>ㅏ’를 동일한 음운변화로 해석하는 기존의 견해가 올바르지 못했음을 보여주는 것이라 보았다.따라서 ‘ㆍ’와 ‘ㅡ’의 관계를 ‘ㆍ>ㅡ’의 통시적인 음운변화로 보지 않고, 당시 국어의 모음체계 속에서 二肢的 相關關係였던 ‘ㆍ’와 ‘ㅡ’가 서로 隨意的으로 교체되어 나타나는 공시적 교체 현상으로 파악하였다. 그것은 당시의 모음들이 ‘舌縮’과 ‘舌小縮’의 관계 속에서 서로 대립하고 있었고, ‘ㆍ’와 ‘ㅡ’ 역시 이 같은 대립으로 존재하였다는 데에 바탕을 둔 것이다. 따라서 ‘ㆍ’가 音韻으로서의 지위가 서서히 흔들렸다고 보는 17~18세기 이후에 나타나는 ‘ㆍ>ㅏ’(‘ㅏ’로의 合流)만이 진정한 의미의 通時的인 음운의 변화라고 보았다.

This paper aims to find out the difference between synchronic alternation and diachronic change through a change of ‘ㆍ’ undergoing dephonologization in the period of modern Korean. I studied what relation these two changes have and how they are realized in the Korean phonological system. Also, I pointed out some problems caused by considering these two changes as a same sound change without discriminating them and explained the phenomenon of alternation and change in aspect of phonology. Most of all, I compared ‘ㆍ>ㅡ’, the first stage of change, with ‘ㆍ>ㅏ’, the second stage of change. Consequently, I found out some big differences related to two phenomena ‘ㆍ>ㅡ’, ‘ㆍ>ㅏ’. First, the relation between ‘ㆍ’ and ‘ㅡ’ has undergone change in both sides(ㆍ>ㅡ, ㅡ>ㆍ) differently from change of ‘ㆍ>ㅏ’. Second, ‘ㆍ>ㅡ’ usually was shown only in non-initial syllable. Third, the change of ‘ㆍ>ㅏ’ led to change of vowel system in Korean. On the contrary, ‘ㆍ>ㅡ’ has not followed those vowel system variation. These facts show that established view which explained ‘ㆍ>ㅡ’ and ‘ㆍ>ㅏ’ as a same sound change was not right. So I didn't consider the relation between ‘ㆍ’ and ‘ㅡ’ as diachronic sound change, but as synchronic alternation. That's because ‘ㆍ’ and ‘ㅡ’ were used alternately in Korean vowel system at that time. In those days, ‘ㆍ’ and ‘ㅡ’ were in opposition with ‘舌縮’ and ‘舌小縮’. Therefore, ‘ㆍ>ㅏ’ which was shown after 17th and 18th century was considered as a real diachronic change.

This paper aims to find out the difference between synchronic alternation and diachronic change through a change of ‘ㆍ’ undergoing dephonologization in the period of modern Korean. I studied what relation these two changes have and how they are realized in the Korean phonological system. Also, I pointed out some problems caused by considering these two changes as a same sound change without discriminating them and explained the phenomenon of alternation and change in aspect of phonology. Most of all, I compared ‘ㆍ>ㅡ’, the first stage of change, with ‘ㆍ>ㅏ’, the second stage of change. Consequently, I found out some big differences related to two phenomena ‘ㆍ>ㅡ’, ‘ㆍ>ㅏ’. First, the relation between ‘ㆍ’ and ‘ㅡ’ has undergone change in both sides(ㆍ>ㅡ, ㅡ>ㆍ) differently from change of ‘ㆍ>ㅏ’. Second, ‘ㆍ>ㅡ’ usually was shown only in non-initial syllable. Third, the change of ‘ㆍ>ㅏ’ led to change of vowel system in Korean. On the contrary, ‘ㆍ>ㅡ’ has not followed those vowel system variation. These facts show that established view which explained ‘ㆍ>ㅡ’ and ‘ㆍ>ㅏ’ as a same sound change was not right. So I didn't consider the relation between ‘ㆍ’ and ‘ㅡ’ as diachronic sound change, but as synchronic alternation. That's because ‘ㆍ’ and ‘ㅡ’ were used alternately in Korean vowel system at that time. In those days, ‘ㆍ’ and ‘ㅡ’ were in opposition with ‘舌縮’ and ‘舌小縮’. Therefore, ‘ㆍ>ㅏ’ which was shown after 17th and 18th century was considered as a real diachronic change.