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Thawing of the Arctic due to global warming facilitates developments of the Arctic Circle. 2013-2014 State of the Future by Jerome Glenn expects global temperature will rise to two degrees Celsius in average by 2041, which will cause irreversible change. Furthermore, the Author supposes that permanent destruction of our system with the nature can occur if average global temperature rises over three degrees Celsius by 2025. Thawing of the Arctic Ocean, which has area of 12,570,000km2 and average depth of 1,205m, and of the Arctic Circle above 66° 33′ N suggests a new possible blue ocean with natural resource developments including a massive amount of petroleum and natural gas. In addition to a development of natural resources, distribution revolution through developments of the Northeast Passage and the Northwest Passage will promote the Arctic to become a strategic traffic and transportation hub. It is expected that the Russian Federation, the most beneficial of the Arctic development, will accelerate the construction of feeder services connecting land and sea routes to utilize resources of the Arctic coastal zone. Russia's development of the Arctic Circle will become a backbone of 'Strong Russia' with commercialization of the Northeast and Northwest Passages through development of the Arctic Shipping Routes, connection of the Northeast Passage and Russian land routes, and construction of railroad system. In this paper, I will discuss about expansion of railway facilities and construction of traffic infrastructures, which distribute energy and cargo between the Arctic ports and inland, This paper will provide understandings about emerging issues of the Arctic Circle through construction of railroad system and infrastructures, which play a central role in human and natural resource transportation.