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This article investigate independence movement and jihad ideology in North Caucasus of Russian Federation focused on Chechen War's Hermeneutics. This paper aims to evaluate what is the meaning of the jihad ideology in the specific region, above all Chechen Republic in the process of the first and the second Chechen war. Jihad ideology is alien to Chechen history and traditional Chechen experiences of Islam, yet it found full ground especially among those who had been traumatized and bereaved in war. Jihad ideology was a something extreme movement in the process of Chechen war and need to be investigated in the concept of the independence movement for freedom of Chechen people. In this paper, I emphasized the perspective of the Chechen independence movement describing the Chechen war, at the same time. Chapter II review the theory of the separatist movement and jihad ideology. Chapter III investigate the first Chechen war and jihad in terms of hermeneutics. Chapter IV analyze the second Chechen war and Jihad concept of the Chechen people.