초록 열기/닫기 버튼
]The purpose of this thesis is to examine dictionary headwords of sentence connectives that are constituted of pre-final endings, '-는(n n)-, -느(n )-' to set the standard of dictionary headwords.The 『Hangul』, 『Kimmin』, 『Yunsei』, 『Kuglip』, and 『Sahoi』 dictionaries' lack standards on dictionary headwords, especially on sentence connectives constituted of pre-final endings. So the aspect on headwords of sentence connectives differ from one dictionary to another. Moreover, it differs within the same dictionary. One of the most important standards is the change of syntactic-semantic function, dropping or alternation of pre-final endings, and amalgamation of shape and semantic function. According to the standards, '-다느니1(n ndani1), -다거나1(dag na), -다손(dason), -답시고(dapsigo), -는데(n nde), -는데도(n ndedo), -는데야(n ndeya), -는바(n nba), -는지(n nci), -는지라(n ncira) ; '-느니2(n i2), -느니3(n i3), -느니4(n i4), -느니만큼(n imank' m), -느니만치(n imanc'i), -느라고(n rago), -느라니(n rani), -느라면(n ramy n),' are grammaticized endings, so these endings should be recorded in the dictionary.The other endings are not grammaticized, so these endings are not recorded in the dictionary.
키워드열기/닫기 버튼
headword, grammaticalization, pre-final ending, sentence connectives, fused form