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The fictions of owner and slave conflict type are revealed by slave's individual realization through the process of destructing men's status system in the late Chosun dynasty. The slaves tried escaping from the owner's prosecution and restriction. Besides, they were willing to kill their owners to have the precious freedom which they thought was more important than their lives.But in spite of their consistent struggle, the effort resulted in the slaves' perfect defeat. It made it clear that only one side effort couldn't manage to get the slaves' real status freedom. Even though both the owners and the slaves had death, it was impossible to achieve the real status freedom. That was the reality that the transition age showed.The fictions of owner­slave conflict type have two kinds of meanings. In one fiction, the writers created the slaves' behavior to protest fiercely against the owners to get the status freedom. In another fiction, they tried to succeed to new modern fiction proceeding the tradition of owner and slave folklore.