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The method of creative writing in the national literature is the progressive realism in the liberation period. Kim, O-seong’s theory of reportage is one of an embodied discussion in the progressive realism. He proposed the theory of reportage as a way to report people actuality and resistance really, spread its news quickly. He included reportage in a realism literature and raised it to the status of the people literature. And he rated reportage high as the part of a democracy movement. He emphasized a fidelity, totality, materialistic-dialectical world view, writer’s revolutionary practice as matters to be attended to write reportage. These are the core element of progressive realism. But in the liberation period reportage had been writed before Kim, O-seong suggested the theory of reportage. It was possible because of dynamics of reality and the explosive increase of mass-media. And reportage in the liberation period has a characteristic of cultural movement. Reportage in the liberation period is classified as things about various event, the people’s state, their struggle, and writer’s experience. In this thesis I analyzed reportage in the liberation period a thing about various event and cultural movement only. These reportages have informations on a main event or phenomenon in the liberation period and a recorder’s comment. And they use the present tense, quoted the remark of the persons concerned directly. It also quotes a passage from other poet’s work. These are literary methods for a sense of realism and emotional effect. Through this, reportage in the liberation period expressed the reality of those days vividly.