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This paper aims to analyze the memory and forgetting about wars which the Korean postwar generation had experienced in late Japanese colonial period(1937-1945) like Sino-Japanese War or Pacific War. The most interesting thing in Korean postwar literature is that the memories and experience were eliminated. In generally, postwar generation in Korean modern literary history was born in between 1920 and 1935. When the Korean War began in 1950, they were 15 between 30 years old. Why did they delete the memories of the Sino-Japanese War or World War Ⅱ in there novels? On the other hand, some writers like Sun Woo-hui and Ha Gunchan took very unique attitude about the Korean War. In Sun and Ha’s texts, there was a different point of view about the relation of Korean War and Sino-Japanese War or World War Ⅱ. “Flame”(불꽃) is very famous Sun Woo-hui’s work. In this story, the Korean War overlapped with the Sino-Japanese War. Sun’s main theme was the value of individual’s freedom. In his opinion, every war is same because they destroyed the individual’s freedom. Ha Gun-chan’s problematic consciousness was somewhat different with Sun. Most important thing for him was that every war is a kind of mobilization. Especially, modern nation-state is most powerful “mobilizer” and people are victim of nation-state. Ha’s famous short story “Two generations of suffering”(수난이대) was a portrait which described the tragic social circumstances of the Japanese colonial period and the Korean War decade of the 1950’s.