초록 열기/닫기 버튼

In the end of the nineteenth and in the early of the twentieth century the strife for supremacy had been Russian and Japan in the Far East. Port Arthur being a military post, Russian occupied Port Arthur in December 1897. And during Russia had begun to operate a timber concession, said to embrace most of the northern frontier of Korea. In the operation of this concession, the Russian concessionaires had run counter to the interests of certain Japanese, who held similar agreements with local magistrates. This concession had lend to serious consequences. After conclusion of a treaty of alliance with Anglia and Japan in January 1902, the Russia and Japan opened negotiations with Korea and Manchuria in 1902-1903. Before the Russo-Japanese War, the political power group was shaped two group in Russian. The political group, who would shape a bureaucratic power, developed, its leaders were Witte S.Iu, Kyropatkin A.N. There was another the political group, who would shape the royal power, developed, its leaders were Grand Duke Aleksandr Mikhailovich, Bezobrazov A.M. Witte S.Iu. and Kyropatkin A.N. played a leading part in Russian's policy for the Far East before the Russo-Japanese War. They opened negotiations with Korea and would make a concession to Japanese demands for Korea in 1903.

In the end of the nineteenth and in the early of the twentieth century the strife for supremacy had been Russian and Japan in the Far East. Port Arthur being a military post, Russian occupied Port Arthur in December 1897. And during Russia had begun to operate a timber concession, said to embrace most of the northern frontier of Korea. In the operation of this concession, the Russian concessionaires had run counter to the interests of certain Japanese, who held similar agreements with local magistrates. This concession had lend to serious consequences. After conclusion of a treaty of alliance with Anglia and Japan in January 1902, the Russia and Japan opened negotiations with Korea and Manchuria in 1902-1903. Before the Russo-Japanese War, the political power group was shaped two group in Russian. The political group, who would shape a bureaucratic power, developed, its leaders were Witte S.Iu, Kyropatkin A.N. There was another the political group, who would shape the royal power, developed, its leaders were Grand Duke Aleksandr Mikhailovich, Bezobrazov A.M. Witte S.Iu. and Kyropatkin A.N. played a leading part in Russian's policy for the Far East before the Russo-Japanese War. They opened negotiations with Korea and would make a concession to Japanese demands for Korea in 1903.