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Foucault distinguished not only the right of sovereignty und the mechanism of discipline, also a third technic of power, that aims the regulation of population. According to Foucault, the old power of death since 17th century increasingly overlaid by a new form of power, a bio-power, that goals to manage the life. The point of this analysis is the concept of bio-power that Foucault developed in the 1970 years in the College de France. In the late 19th century took place in Germany a new shift of paradigm, that has eugenic idea. The two Great War and Nazi populationspolicy lead to a extreme break with the traditional development of population in Germany. In this connection established the medicine and racial-hygiene as a new guiding disciplines for the populationsproblem. In such a ideology began pronatalism on the basis of their ‘selection’ or conditional character. With the begin of 2. World War started the forced Emigration with hitherto unsuspected dimension. Particularly the Racepolicy of Nazi Party was characterized with expel, exclusion of Jews and genocide. Already during the Weimar Republic perceived far beyond the area of specialist scholars the quite radical intellectuals die Populationsproblem very important. The spread of racial anti-semitism is therefore closely linked to the enforcement of biology. Foucault identified as the addressee of bio-power generally the population. His analyze emphasize the centrality of the rule of Bio-Politics to modern state and the constitution of Bio-Power in its different historical forms, and crucially, the link between the population and the government of state, that has become so important to understanding both Neoliberalism and development of Bio-Science today.