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The purpose of this study is to examine and analyze the elementary school students' Consciousness of communication through a questionnaire. When it comes to the results of the analysis, it is as following. 1) The elementary school students think that the communication ability in their school life is import followed by sincerity and among sub-fields, “Writing” is recognized as the most important thing. 2) In addition, the largest numbers of the respondents replied that the communication ability is required to transfer their opinions. 3) Regarding the communication methods, it was shown that a communication method which considers listeners is most preferred and on the contrary, a communication method which has an attitude to speak only about himself and do like an order. 4) At last, in terms of good speaking, the items of lingual contents such as ‘topic and interest’ were evaluated a lot and in terms of bad speaking, the items of vocal types such as ‘speed and volume of speaking’ were mainly evaluated.