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This paper aims to examine representation of resort places. It is basically a process to the meaning of resort which is planned for extension of the urban bourgois culture, and a work to understanding of deep structure which constructs these places. The Byoelgungon, which published for the purpose of inspiring taste for the proletariat though, shows what the people should enjoy and the way of enjoying as the taste for the bourgoisie. The notion of taste like this forms city laborers as the bougrgoisie which is exactly imagined and constructed. Therefore taste becomes to have a ideological function as offering a sort of patterns of consuming and enjoying leisure time. Representation of resort in the Beolgungon is object to various places such as temples, mineral springs, hot springs, beaches, waterfalls, islands and so on. A distinct character of these spaces is fatigue given by the city. Because enjoying leisure time comes from a attempt to organizes(or imagines) subject as the city dweller by ownself, it relates consumption and labour for which the people prove themselves as a person who is able to consume. That is why the leisure time interrupt a real rest. As the resorts are objective to the city and a complement to the city life, they have leftovers of city. In fact, needs for an alternative resort show that failure of resorts as a place of rest. Enjoying leisure time, then, provides ideology which makes city life firmly for labourers in the city. Representation of resort is a fantasy which supports this ideology. However, capital from the empire makes urban culture which is supported by that ideology possible. Resorts are controlled by huge corporations, and constructed like themed parks. In these places, the urban subjects moves through the path which controlled by the companies, that is, colossal capital. Internalizing this path, the people also internalizing the law of colonialism. And the leftovers called sentimentality. Sentimentality not only interrupts the people insight the structure of logic of colossal capital but also makes the people satisfied with reality. In short, the urban culture and the notion of taste such as enjoying the leisure time are dominated by colossal capital, which absolutely comes from the empire.