초록 열기/닫기 버튼

According to Hunminjeongeum, Hangeul was created on the principle of depiction of the outlines(象形) and imitation of Old Seal (倣古篆). Each of the five basic consonant letters is made according to the shape of the speech organs. The basic letters of the vowel were first created in the image of the sky, land, and man. For example, 'ㅇ' resembles the roundness of the sky, 'ㅡ' represents the flat earth and 'ㅣ' is the image of a standing man. But it can't be true because letters of an alphabet are meaningless in itself, abstract formal signs, which can not be natural symbols or images. Arbitrariness of alphabetic sign excludes any kinds of imitation between alphabetic sign and other objects. There are not any motivation between an alphabetic letter and its signified. Alphabet has been created by means of formal abstraction from pictograms. But Chinese character used the method of composition from simple Chinese characters in creating new characters. The principle of depiction outlines and imitation of Old Seal implies iconic character or motivation between the signifier and the signified. In the traditional Korean society. Korean alphabet was disparaged as Eonmun which means script for vernacular language. So Hangeul was excluded from official use for centuries. The expression "dialect(方言)". which referred to Korean language, presupposes traditional Sino-centric world order. Korean alphabet was of little value for scholars and government officials, because it was different from Chinese characters. The so-called origin or principle of invention in creating Korean alphabet expressed in Hunminjeongeum is quite misleading or unnecessary apology.

According to Hunminjeongeum, Hangeul was created on the principle of depiction of the outlines(象形) and imitation of Old Seal (倣古篆). Each of the five basic consonant letters is made according to the shape of the speech organs. The basic letters of the vowel were first created in the image of the sky, land, and man. For example, 'ㅇ' resembles the roundness of the sky, 'ㅡ' represents the flat earth and 'ㅣ' is the image of a standing man. But it can't be true because letters of an alphabet are meaningless in itself, abstract formal signs, which can not be natural symbols or images. Arbitrariness of alphabetic sign excludes any kinds of imitation between alphabetic sign and other objects. There are not any motivation between an alphabetic letter and its signified. Alphabet has been created by means of formal abstraction from pictograms. But Chinese character used the method of composition from simple Chinese characters in creating new characters. The principle of depiction outlines and imitation of Old Seal implies iconic character or motivation between the signifier and the signified. In the traditional Korean society. Korean alphabet was disparaged as Eonmun which means script for vernacular language. So Hangeul was excluded from official use for centuries. The expression "dialect(方言)". which referred to Korean language, presupposes traditional Sino-centric world order. Korean alphabet was of little value for scholars and government officials, because it was different from Chinese characters. The so-called origin or principle of invention in creating Korean alphabet expressed in Hunminjeongeum is quite misleading or unnecessary apology.