초록 열기/닫기 버튼
It is possible to confirm diverse confrontational structures involving a centrifugal force and a centripetal force, horizontality and verticality, rise and fall, mentality and body, and denial and affirmation. Such dualistic confrontational structures become the criteria of interpretation with which we can relatively clearly look into the vague statements and abstractness in Kim Soo-yeong’s poetry. Through this, we are able to discover the will of his poetry, which is to reach a harmony and summation of life through mutual confrontational awareness of denial and affirmation, and its poetic methodology. The confrontational structures shown in his poetry have been mentioned mainly at the formal or lingual level; however, there has been no satisfactory confirmation of how creatively these confrontational structures function and work in his works. Dualistic confrontation entails agony and pain. That is, a confrontation exists as a process of wound and pain regarding things that cannot coexist such as darkness and light; thereby, harmony and balance are created as an extremely difficult product. Such a study on the structures not only helps to understand his poetry more clearly, but also it will be an important framework for discovering poetic intension and depth. What Kim Soo-yeong aimed to disclose through his poetry was the realization of ethical value that functions in life. Such realization of value was made possible by creating a form of reconciliation and communication that exceeded confrontation through the irony and paradox of mutually confrontational images. It is not incorrect to call his poetic spirit in the name of freedom or love or sorrow and grief; however, the fact is that his poetic spirit becomes clearer through comparison and analysis of mutually confrontational things, and from this we can newly name Kim Soo-yeong as the poet of “harmony”. In <Play of the Moon World>, a top is an existence that stands by itself through the high tension between a centrifugal force and a centripetal force. A top stands straight only by high tension as well as the war between itself and the world. The contradictory state that shows both confrontation and acceptance at the same time is a moment of completing one’s morality like the “saints who existed thousands of years ago”. The moon and stars in the night sky exist in the balance between a centrifugal force and a centripetal force. Also, humans create stories and aspire to the world of a distant state of enlightenment while looking at the moon. In <The Rabbit>, a rabbit lives on the moon. In order to look at the rabbit during the spring full moon, all the rabbits on the ground are made to stand up on their hind legs and lift their heads. Certain methods such as suicide or enlightenment are not of the style of ethics of Kim Soo-yeong. “No Place to Retire to a Hermitage” shows a way of becoming a fire by oneself on a bare wintry mountain and a fire is made to lighten the darkness by sacrificing one’s body. That is the appearance of the ideal life Kim Soo-yeong intended to say. The way of overcoming ordinary desolateness and “ignorance” lies in an instant when we begin to stand up while lifting our heads here and now toward the ideal “which is beyond them‘‘. In <My Family>, the common truth of mankind, which has been inherited through history, is symbolized as the appearance of a “family”. While passing “long years”, different “generations” come to have rough yet beautiful colors like the cross sections of rock strata. That means a contradiction that is harmonized and unified while embracing conflicts and confrontations as they are rather than overcoming them as a whole. Provided that poetry is the field of the realization of existence that exceeds the level of content and form, a dualistic classification into content and form becomes meaningless. Such a stage that needs the whole speculation of an existence is no different from the realization of the poetics of the whole body mentioned by Kim Soo-yeong. Also, this is the process of a fight in which life and death, movement and stillness, rise and fall, and meanness and greatness pursue a balance while forming a mutual confrontation. The self-awakening of an independent ethical being who is to achieve “revolution” by making the body that is thrown into the world stand up. That is another name of love and freedom and harmony and peace discovered in the structure of Kim Soo-yeong’s poetry.