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The subject research material is 191 wedding invitation cards. and the conclusions of 475 person’s survey for wedding. In chapter two, it was analysed that the person who write a letter of invitation, the person who send invitation cards, writings in wedding invitation cards. There are four types person who write a letter of invitation- a new couple(82.3%), parents of a new couple(10.5%), indefinite persons(6.8%). outsider(0.5%). But most person who invite congratulator for wedding are new couples(96%). In the most recent korean society,parents of new couples is no longer manager based on wedding invitation cards. New couple's will in marriage are included in writing of invitations after new couples become writer in writing of invitations. It has got more and more included in wedding invitation cards that is using cell-phone that is individual things. English alphabet show a tendency to become pattern in wedding invitation cards. Maybe it is due to English that is everyday life in Korea. In chapter three, we confirmed of the Korean wedding based on the conclusions of 475person’s survey for wedding. It ascertain whether it is true that conculusions from wedding invitation cards. In Korean society exists together a cultural heritage and modern thinking about wedding. There are two opinion that wedding is a personal event and is to combine with families.