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The New Studies of English Language & Literature 40, 2008. 1-19. Has modern civilization brought freedom to human beings? Samuel Beckett used his experience in society and his life as an author to uncover the reasons behind the discordance between civilization and freedom. So I think there are two worlds in his plays-the closed and the open. In the closed world of his writings his characters are trapped in places such as low mounds, rooms, deserts, etc. Such works are characterized by phrases such as, it’s time it ended, astride of a grave and a difficult birth, and you have not done tormenting me with your accursed time. He chose to use these terrible situations in his plays to express his theory, Here form is content, content is form. So Beckett thus faced up to reality, didn’t bury his head in the sands, and seemed to search for solutions to the miserable situations humankind faced in modern society by giving us the message to open our closed worlds. He wrote that let us do something, while we have the chance. The dignity of humanity lies in our free will to face reality, to accept it freely, and finally choose the best way to live our lives.

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Samuel Beckett, the closed world, the open world, reality, dignity