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The purpose of this paper is to analyze some phonological aspects related to the adaptation of English liquids into Korean within the framework of Optimality Theory. In particular, this study provides the asymmetric strategies employed to comply with Korean phonological systems depending on the position of liquids. That is, English loanwords are not affected by the constraint, *Onset/Liquid-s1 requiring a liquid should not occur in word-initial position, but meet the constraint, SyllCon that sonority over a syllable boundary should be flat or falling. Considering this peculiar characteristic of loanwords, loanword phonology should be dealt with within a different stratum from other Korean lexicons. When English liquids are loaned into Korean where only one liquid phoneme exists, [l] is licensed as a moraic position in a coda while [r] occurs in an onset. In order to account for dissimilar distribution, constraint *non-moraic-l plays a crucial role in selecting an optimal output. Finally, liquid variations such as a geminate [i] and a singleton [r] in intervocalic position can be dealt with by two different ranking hierarchies with respect to Ident-IO(Lateral) and Dep-IO.