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The purpose of this study is to examine young children's conceptions of God through analyzing critical differences attributable to age and gender and exploring the effects of the teacher's conceptions of God, their faith maturity, and language patterns on children's conceptions of God. 85 Sunday school teachers and 166 four to five-year-old children of churches in Seoul, Kyung-Gi, In-Chon area were surveyed. The research results are: first, there are not any significant differences by age and gender in children's conceptualizations of God. Second, the teacher's faith maturity was positively correlated with the children's distant God, related teacher's imperative language pattern was positively correlated with the children's strict God relawas negatively correlated with their distant God. Third, the teacher's distant God has an influence on children's concept of God.

The purpose of this study is to examine young children's conceptions of God through analyzing critical differences attributable to age and gender and exploring the effects of the teacher's conceptions of God, their faith maturity, and language patterns on children's conceptions of God. 85 Sunday school teachers and 166 four to five-year-old children of churches in Seoul, Kyung-Gi, In-Chon area were surveyed. The research results are: first, there are not any significant differences by age and gender in children's conceptualizations of God. Second, the teacher's faith maturity was positively correlated with the children's distant God, related teacher's imperative language pattern was positively correlated with the children's strict God relawas negatively correlated with their distant God. Third, the teacher's distant God has an influence on children's concept of God.