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Many countries are confronting the unprecedented challenge of racial diversity in postmodern society. During the last two decades, Korean society experienced what Thomas Kuhn called a “paradigm shift.” Koreans have lived in a monocultural and monolingual context for more than several thousand years; however they are becoming a multicultural society. There are about one million foreign people, which consist of two percent of the whole population of South Korea. It is at the same percentage when social problems of minorities in Europe occurred. Conflicts among communities and ethnic groups can occur at anytime in this society. Unfortunately, Koreans are not prepared for the possible future problems. Therefore, this article examined the general concept of a multicultural society, giving the Biblical view regarding foreign people in a country. As Christians we need to pursue to resolve the divergence between the majority and the minority, and to remove discrimination in cultural, social, economic, and ultimately political spheres. The author suggested four solutions for the incoming social problems. First, Christians need to develop greater sensitivity to foreigners, by being tolerant toward their beliefs and other cultural manifestations. Second, Christians need to transform their paradigm and shift their perspective toward foreigners. They should not be objects to be evangelized and educated, but subjects who were made in the image of God. Third, Christians should pursue the consistent fellowship with foreign communities.They can understand the culture of each other. Finally, Christians should offer a counseling ministry, especially for the second generation who will suffer from an identity crisis as they grow.