초록 열기/닫기 버튼

In Korea, the rapid adoption of mobile technology is radically changing the landscape of the Christian education environment. More than 71 percent (34 of 49 million) of Koreans use some type of mobile device, and about 42 percent (20 of 48 million) of them use smartphones daily. In today’s technological world, the life of the average Korean has become highly mobile, fast paced, and immediate. Traditionally, Christian learning was limited to books, sermons, and church classes, but it needs not be so any longer. With the enormous development of mobile technology, the church can offer education via smartphones and mobile devices and extend education beyond the four walls of the church. Smart learning provides congregations the ability to gather, access, and process information outside the church classroom. The purpose of this paper is to understand how smart learning can be integrated into church education and ministry.