초록 열기/닫기 버튼

This treatise has been written to corroborate the interrelation between Korean national foundation myth, which is the core of Korean folk culture, and festival. I studied the rite of passage of a hero of the national foundation myth, which led to celebration for heaven(祭天儀禮) and village ceremony(洞祭), from which I considered the trait and the original flow of the Korean people's festival culture which has been experienced in every day. The heroes of the national foundation myth underwent in some important stages in life such as rite of birth, rite of being grown up, rite of marriage, rite of migration and rite of death. These are essential courses for myth's heroes to be newly born, that is, myth's heroes advanced next stage through the rite of passage and they had to overcome the ordeal accompanied by the rite of passage. These hero's rite of passage became whole nation's festival to after ages. This is source of Korean folk festival. Celebration for heaven imitated the mythic heroes' the rite of passage and this ceremony is held annually supervised or sponsored by government. Village ceremony, which is served in every town, is connected with advent of the hero of national foundation myth and this is a source of village festival.

This treatise has been written to corroborate the interrelation between Korean national foundation myth, which is the core of Korean folk culture, and festival. I studied the rite of passage of a hero of the national foundation myth, which led to celebration for heaven(祭天儀禮) and village ceremony(洞祭), from which I considered the trait and the original flow of the Korean people's festival culture which has been experienced in every day. The heroes of the national foundation myth underwent in some important stages in life such as rite of birth, rite of being grown up, rite of marriage, rite of migration and rite of death. These are essential courses for myth's heroes to be newly born, that is, myth's heroes advanced next stage through the rite of passage and they had to overcome the ordeal accompanied by the rite of passage. These hero's rite of passage became whole nation's festival to after ages. This is source of Korean folk festival. Celebration for heaven imitated the mythic heroes' the rite of passage and this ceremony is held annually supervised or sponsored by government. Village ceremony, which is served in every town, is connected with advent of the hero of national foundation myth and this is a source of village festival.