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The article scrutinizes the musical activity and literary world of Han Yousin, who was working in Daegu, Gyungsang-do in the early eighteenth century. Not many critics seem to have studied his works seriously although he left a noticeable number(11) of literary pieces. Han concentrated upon musical activity instead of pursuing success in life, and surveying natural wonders around his residence, he frequently had an inspiration about his music. The experience with nature must have had a great influence on his literary world.He kept pursuing a new world of music and met Kim Yougi from Seoul for the first time in 1715, which made a great turning point in his career. On appreciating Kim's music, he gave up his own music and decided to become Kim's disciple. Later he comprehended the type of music after passing through some strict phases and persisted in the new World throughout his life, even after his master's death. He kept a close relationship with several people who shared his musical interests, and they must have worked together throughout his career (even in his late0r years).The poetic speaker in Han's works lives free from worldly cares, while some of his pieces deplore aging and teach people how to live right. These works are based upon the optimistic view that the world people live in is pretty harmonious, which is probably why readers can hardly find a conflict between the poetic voice and the world in gis works. Han chose nature because he wanted to felt satisfied with living and enjoying music in it.