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본 논문에서는 학제간 연구 혹은 間學問的 접근방식으로 <배비 장전>을 고찰하였다. <배비장전>에 관한 그동안의 연구 성과에다 관광학의 특정이론을 빌려 작품 해석을 심화했다. <배비장전>은 작품의 서두부터 관광적 특성이 드러난다. 이러한 관광적 요소는 배비장의 제주 방문의 동기로 작용하였고, 서사가 진행됨에 따라 배비장이 애랑의 자태를 탐하고자 하는 욕구의 시발점으로 기능하고 있다. 기존 논자들의 상당수가 배비장을 풍자의 대상으로 거론하였지 만, 본고에서는 배비장을 비장 업무와 제주 관광을 통한 통과의례의 주체로 보고 작품의 의미를 새롭게 파악하였다. 곧 배비장이 제주로 출발하는 순간부터 정의현감에 임명되기 전까지의 전 과정을 배비장의 의식 각성의 계기가 된 통과의례로 보았다. 통과의례는 분리의례전이의례통합의례로 가를 수 있는데, 배비장은 제주로 향하면서 이 세 차례의 의례를 모두 겪는다. 관광이란 일상생활로부터의 탈출인 동시에, 일상의 문턱을 벗어 나 置性(liminoid)의 범위로 들어갔다가 다시 일상의 영역으로 돌아오는 행위라 할 수 있다. 이러한 역치성의 세계에서는 관광자는 좀더 과격해지고 무절제한 행동, 일탈적인 성적 방종을 일삼기도 한다. 육지와 멀리 떨어진 제주에 부임한 배비장은 관광자의 입장이 되어 置的(liminal) 상황에 빠지고, 이전 생활과는 다른 전도감을 맛보며, 이에 평소와는 달리 애랑의 육체를 탐하는 행동을 보인 것이다.

This study is aimed at taking Baebijangjeon into consideration through an inter-disciplinary approach. Many elements of tourism are revealed in Baebijangjeon. Therefore, a deeper analysis of the work was made by applying a tourism theory to the past Korean literary researches on Baebijangjeon. All courses from the moment Baebijang leaves for Jeju(濟州) Island until the appointment as the chief of Jeongui(旌義) township were depicted as the rites of passage which served as a big step to Baebijang's sobering mentality. The rites of passage consist of rites of separation, transition rites, and rites of incorporation. Baebijang has experienced all three rites of passage while in Jeju Island. First, Baebijang had a rite of separation, an experience of big waves with a lord and other officers on board on the way to Jeju Island for service. After that, Baebijang, claiming himself as a faithful husband, had a transition rite of experiencing severe humiliation because of his love affair. Baebijang, stationed in Jeju Island, felt a sense of inversion in a liminal situation like a tourist, unusually showing his behavior of lusting for the beauty of Aerang(愛娘). In this liminoid circumstance, tourists seem to commit more aggressive, loose and dissolute wrongdoings by breaking away from the routine of daily life. Finally, in the latter part of the story, Baebijang was also humiliated at the process of questions and answers with a female diver and a boatman, but he had a rites of incorporation of being appointed as the chief of Jeongui township with help of a lord. Baebijang goes through sobering mentality and mental maturization through these stages, in effect, becoming a magnificent official who administers the subjects with an exemplary and beneficent government.

This study is aimed at taking Baebijangjeon into consideration through an inter-disciplinary approach. Many elements of tourism are revealed in Baebijangjeon. Therefore, a deeper analysis of the work was made by applying a tourism theory to the past Korean literary researches on Baebijangjeon. All courses from the moment Baebijang leaves for Jeju(濟州) Island until the appointment as the chief of Jeongui(旌義) township were depicted as the rites of passage which served as a big step to Baebijang's sobering mentality. The rites of passage consist of rites of separation, transition rites, and rites of incorporation. Baebijang has experienced all three rites of passage while in Jeju Island. First, Baebijang had a rite of separation, an experience of big waves with a lord and other officers on board on the way to Jeju Island for service. After that, Baebijang, claiming himself as a faithful husband, had a transition rite of experiencing severe humiliation because of his love affair. Baebijang, stationed in Jeju Island, felt a sense of inversion in a liminal situation like a tourist, unusually showing his behavior of lusting for the beauty of Aerang(愛娘). In this liminoid circumstance, tourists seem to commit more aggressive, loose and dissolute wrongdoings by breaking away from the routine of daily life. Finally, in the latter part of the story, Baebijang was also humiliated at the process of questions and answers with a female diver and a boatman, but he had a rites of incorporation of being appointed as the chief of Jeongui township with help of a lord. Baebijang goes through sobering mentality and mental maturization through these stages, in effect, becoming a magnificent official who administers the subjects with an exemplary and beneficent government.