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이 글은 지금까지 전체적으로 거론되고 있는 다산의 사회시를 그의 생애와 의식 변화에 따라 두 시기로 나누어 살펴본 것이다. 다산의 사회시는 그의 나이 33세 때 시작되어 71세까지 지속된다. 생애 대부분의 기간 동안 창작된 다산의 사회시는 그를 조선후기의 대표적인 사회시인으로 손꼽게 만들었다.다산의 사회시는 대부분 서사성을 강하게 지니는 고시로 이루어 져 있다. 이 시들은 기본적으로 객관적 관찰의 결과를 사실적으로 묘사하는 서술 중심의 표현 기법으로 이루어져 있다. 하지만 다산의 사회시를 조금 더 세밀하게 살펴보면 그의 의식세계가 변해 감에 따라 크게 두 방향으로 성격을 움직여 간다는 것을 확인할 수 있다. 사회에 대한 인식 면에서 살펴볼 때 현실 고발에서 사회 비판이 라면 현재에 대한 의식의 강화가 드러난다. 이런 의식의 변화는 표현 기법면에서 대립 구조의 제시에서 저항 의식의 표출이라는 비판 정서의 심화와 확대로 나타난다.이런 변화는 사회시 창작 초기 민중에 대한 관심과 애정이 민중 과의 일체감으로 확대된 결과이다. 민중에 대한 일체감은 그의 사회시가 더 이상 현실을 있는 그대로 묘사하는 고발의 문학에만 머물게 하지 않았다. 사회시 창작 초기 다산의 사회시는 객관적 관찰을 통한 사실적 표현을 주된 창작 기법으로 하고 있다. 이런 사실적 표현은 상황과 장면의 제시를 통해 독자들을 설득하는 강한 설득력을 가진다. 하지만 확대된 민중과의 일체감은 다산에게 사실적 표현 이상을 추구하게 하였다. 이에 따라 다산은 시 속에서 현실의 부조리에 대한 민중의 저항과 자신의 감정을 드러내며 현실을 비판하게 된다.다산의 시 속에서 볼 수 있는 저항은 시대의 한계를 벗어나지 못한 것으로 일정한 한계를 지니는 것이지만 시를 통해 저항하는 민중들의 모습을 묘사하고 이를 긍정하였다는 것은 다산 개인에게 뿐만 아니라 우리 한시사에서 큰 의미를 지니는 것이다.

I consider that Dasan's social poetry could be divided into two periods based on his life and change of his consciousness. His social poetry had started at his age 33 and ended at 71. Because of the point, he become a representative of social poet at late Chosun dynasty. Dasan's social poetry are categorized old form poetry that have a lot of narrations mostly. The poetry were written by describing objective observations. If You research Dasan's social poetry more closely, the poetry show that its character are divided into two directions followed by turning his mind otherwise. There are much intensification toward the time proved by that his social poetry included criticizing the society in the side of recognizing the society. Such change of consciousness are presented by opposite structure connoting expended and deepened resistance awareness. This change of early creations of social poetry had been followed by that the concern and affection toward the people expanded to a sense of unity. A sense of unity toward the people. Real describing on early creations of social poetry represented situations and scenes so that they could persuade readers. But a sense of unity with the people leaded over just real represent of the society. Dasan criticize the society through writing his feeling and the people's resistance to the absurdity of the time. The residence of his poetry has a limit as the time's circumscripion but it is worth in the history of Korean poetry because there are affirmative representations of the people toward the time.

I consider that Dasan's social poetry could be divided into two periods based on his life and change of his consciousness. His social poetry had started at his age 33 and ended at 71. Because of the point, he become a representative of social poet at late Chosun dynasty. Dasan's social poetry are categorized old form poetry that have a lot of narrations mostly. The poetry were written by describing objective observations. If You research Dasan's social poetry more closely, the poetry show that its character are divided into two directions followed by turning his mind otherwise. There are much intensification toward the time proved by that his social poetry included criticizing the society in the side of recognizing the society. Such change of consciousness are presented by opposite structure connoting expended and deepened resistance awareness. This change of early creations of social poetry had been followed by that the concern and affection toward the people expanded to a sense of unity. A sense of unity toward the people. Real describing on early creations of social poetry represented situations and scenes so that they could persuade readers. But a sense of unity with the people leaded over just real represent of the society. Dasan criticize the society through writing his feeling and the people's resistance to the absurdity of the time. The residence of his poetry has a limit as the time's circumscripion but it is worth in the history of Korean poetry because there are affirmative representations of the people toward the time.