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이 글은 오규원의 전기시를 분석한 글이다. 오규원의 초기시들은 4.19세대의 그것으로, 산문화된 시의 그것으로, 문학과 지성 그룹의 그것으로 해석되어 왔다. 경우에 따라서는 난해하거나 해체적인 시로 분류되기도 한다. 이러한 인상은 가장 일차적으로 그가 1960년대의 한가운데에서 성실한 시작활동을 전개하였기 때문에 비롯되는 것일 터이다. 1960년대적 조건은 자유와 민주주의를 위한 시민 혁명을 일으킬 수 있었을 만큼 주체 의식이 확보되었던 때였고 산업화와 근대화가 뿌리 깊이 정착되고 있을 시점이다. 오규원의 시작 활동 역시 이러한 시대적 배경과 맞물려 진행되었다. 그런데 그것은 무엇보다도 당대의 현실에 대한 비판의식에 그 뿌리를 둔 것이었다. 급속한 자본주의화에 따른 사회 전반의 병리 현상들은 날카로운 현실 감각을 지니고 있던 새로운 세대들에겐 회피하거나 외면할 수 없던 시적 장애물이었다. 전통적 서정시를 썼던 이전 시인들이 사회 현실과 유리된 채 추상화된 시를 써나갔다면, 오규원을 비롯한 신세대들은 시대의 장애물을 자신의 것으로 수용하여 변화한 시대에 조응하는 새로운 시형을 모색하기에 이른다. 오규원의 산문화된 시나 초기시들은 이러한 시대상을 담아내려는 시도의 하나라 할 수 있다.

This paper studies the features of the first poetry of Oh Kyu Won and analyzes the dissolution of Oh Kyu Won's literature. It is times pointed out that features of play of signifiant's features and modernism poetry of Oh Kyu Won was features of the first poetry. The features of raw image and metonymy, metaphor of Oh Kyu Won has been involved features the first stage poetry. That is common community in infancy period. Especially it restarted experience of his native place with that period. And that was resisted the modernity and reason. The poetical investigation of Oh Kyu Won as we pointed out in his text, embodies a summit of Modern Korean poetry. That is to say, his orientation in his native place, have the opportunity to understand in his midddle poetry. The fire image is the first stage poetry. This work is the first stage departing from anti-modernity.

This paper studies the features of the first poetry of Oh Kyu Won and analyzes the dissolution of Oh Kyu Won's literature. It is times pointed out that features of play of signifiant's features and modernism poetry of Oh Kyu Won was features of the first poetry. The features of raw image and metonymy, metaphor of Oh Kyu Won has been involved features the first stage poetry. That is common community in infancy period. Especially it restarted experience of his native place with that period. And that was resisted the modernity and reason. The poetical investigation of Oh Kyu Won as we pointed out in his text, embodies a summit of Modern Korean poetry. That is to say, his orientation in his native place, have the opportunity to understand in his midddle poetry. The fire image is the first stage poetry. This work is the first stage departing from anti-modernity.