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Mole or Mouse's Marriage, a folktale known as Stronger and Strongest in Europe, is highly idiosyncratic not on account of the story of looking for son-in-law, but on accont of the exact form in which the story is narrated. It is a formula tale that tell a problem of circular argument, i.e. circular fallacy in point of which the final circulation is on the former place. In such tale, only if maintaining the form of narrative, the story is differntly modified as much as it can. Therefore the folktale type has deeply relation with the other formula tales of cicular fallacy. Speaking by the concept borrowed from Yogacara-Buddhism, the allegorical meaning of cicular-fallecy's formula tale is devided broadly into two categories, perceiving one and wandering one. The former is brought forth a awakening spiritual enlightenment, the latter is only repeated by the circulation of mistake. It is about Mole's Marrage, Naming A Pet Cat, A Mason, and Who Is Stronger etc. that we can comprehend each allegorical meaning in view of such circular argument of Yogacara-Buddhism. Also there is a tale type that has the two-fold meaning at the same time. In Korea, Mole's Marrage was main type among the formula tale of circular fallacy. It's allegorical meaning was diversified between perceiving and wandering categories. But also it's meaning was varied by literary-bureaucrats in the latter Choson-dynasty. In China, the class of intelligentsia concentrated upon severe satire and reflection as allegorical meaning of it, on the other hand it's relational realm was widened into the play, annual painting, and New Year's ritual ceremony. And in Japan, the folktale was made useful of governing ideology through the allegorical meaning. The work, as moral text, persuaded hearers or readers to keep one's status, and prevent them not to pursue their desire of social ascent to upper class.

Mole or Mouse's Marriage, a folktale known as Stronger and Strongest in Europe, is highly idiosyncratic not on account of the story of looking for son-in-law, but on accont of the exact form in which the story is narrated. It is a formula tale that tell a problem of circular argument, i.e. circular fallacy in point of which the final circulation is on the former place. In such tale, only if maintaining the form of narrative, the story is differntly modified as much as it can. Therefore the folktale type has deeply relation with the other formula tales of cicular fallacy. Speaking by the concept borrowed from Yogacara-Buddhism, the allegorical meaning of cicular-fallecy's formula tale is devided broadly into two categories, perceiving one and wandering one. The former is brought forth a awakening spiritual enlightenment, the latter is only repeated by the circulation of mistake. It is about Mole's Marrage, Naming A Pet Cat, A Mason, and Who Is Stronger etc. that we can comprehend each allegorical meaning in view of such circular argument of Yogacara-Buddhism. Also there is a tale type that has the two-fold meaning at the same time. In Korea, Mole's Marrage was main type among the formula tale of circular fallacy. It's allegorical meaning was diversified between perceiving and wandering categories. But also it's meaning was varied by literary-bureaucrats in the latter Choson-dynasty. In China, the class of intelligentsia concentrated upon severe satire and reflection as allegorical meaning of it, on the other hand it's relational realm was widened into the play, annual painting, and New Year's ritual ceremony. And in Japan, the folktale was made useful of governing ideology through the allegorical meaning. The work, as moral text, persuaded hearers or readers to keep one's status, and prevent them not to pursue their desire of social ascent to upper class.