초록 열기/닫기 버튼

This study aims to enlarge the description of ‘the history of Korean Lexicology’, by studying special charateristics of borrowed characters in Yeonggeon Uigwe that is published lively in the age of Modern Korean. Uigwe is a documentary literature of the whole process in the national rites, in which the masters, persons, goods and expense etc. that is mobilized in the events are described in detail. This literature is very useful materials, social and cultural, economical aspects at that time to study. Especially, one can search rich linguistic materials in the persons and sorts of stuffs, receptacles which is utilized in the events. All the terms shown in Uigwe were recorded in Chinese, but most of them represent substantially the pronunciation of the Korean. Accordingly, the study of this words in Uigwe may contribute to enlargement of the Korean and support to understand an instituitions and customs in the past.

This study aims to enlarge the description of ‘the history of Korean Lexicology’, by studying special charateristics of borrowed characters in Yeonggeon Uigwe that is published lively in the age of Modern Korean. Uigwe is a documentary literature of the whole process in the national rites, in which the masters, persons, goods and expense etc. that is mobilized in the events are described in detail. This literature is very useful materials, social and cultural, economical aspects at that time to study. Especially, one can search rich linguistic materials in the persons and sorts of stuffs, receptacles which is utilized in the events. All the terms shown in Uigwe were recorded in Chinese, but most of them represent substantially the pronunciation of the Korean. Accordingly, the study of this words in Uigwe may contribute to enlargement of the Korean and support to understand an instituitions and customs in the past.