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이 연구는 가치가 다른 체제를 가지고 형성된 분단문학을 해소할 수 있는 메타이론을 탐색했다. 기존 리얼리즘이론으로 이북문학을 보면 리얼리티가 부족하고 도식적인 내용이라고 평가하기 쉽다. 이북문학은 이북에서 이뤄진 문학행위의 산물이며, 그 체제 속의 대응이다. 그래서 이 연구는 이북의 현실과의 관계 속에서 문학을 읽을 수 있는 개념으로 매개와 전형을 세웠다. 현실과의 관계 속에서 의미생산 주체가 의미를 만든다. 즉, 의미는 대상과의 양각 구도에서 발생하는 것이 아니라, 주체가 개입한 삼각구도에서 이뤄진다. 매개는 이것과 저것을 잇는 중간자를 의미함과 동시에, 중간자로 고정되는 것이 아니라 ‘의미생산 주체’를 포함하는 운동성을 갖는다. 의미 생산 과정에서 항상 주체(나)가 살아있기 때문에, 선행 의미를 매개하여 변화를 끌어내는 후행 의미를 만들어낸다. 이와 같은 의미생산 과정은 현실의 한계까지도 반영하여 진행되는 실천적 운동이다. 작품에서 전형은 현실과 역사에 대한 실천적 의미를 찾기 위한 징검다리, 즉 매개성을 갖는다. 매개적 전형은 행위주체인 내가 내 행위결과[의미]에 대해 하는 성찰과 반성을 포함한다. 이때, 우리가 추구하는 문학은 현시점에서 값하는 실천으로서의 문학, 실천적 리얼리즘의 길로 나아가게 된다. 요컨대 행위 주체의 비판적 개입을 통해 새로운 의미를 생산한다는 말이다. 이런 작업 속에는 문학과 현실을 매개하는 노력이 포함되기 때문에, 이북문학 이해도 이북사회 변화와 상호관계 속에서 읽어야 한다. 문학을 통해서 사회변화를 읽음으로써 공식 교류에서보다 더 깊숙하게 미시적인 주민생활과의 만남을 이룰 수 있다. 이와 같은 이해와 소통이 바로 통일문학의 과정이다.

Solving of the divided literature & Adoption of the North Korean literature. - For the formation of unified literature   Noh, Gwi-Nam     This paper is a study on meta-theory for solving of the divided literature. The North Korean literature is measured by our standard. So we sometimes guess that's short of realty, or schematic story. The North Korean literature is a product of an literary action in North Korea. And it respond to a political system, therefore we need concepts of 'mediator' and 'type'. The two key words are useful to study the relations between literary texts and a realities of life. The subject makes meanings of the realities of life. A meaning is generated from triangle(subject-object-meaning), from not two-legged(object- meaning). Mediator means to join two things together, and it includes movement of the subject in order to get one meaning. So that meson, mediator is not a fixed thing. In the production process of meaning, I(the subject) am always alive to intervene in making post-meaning, by the medium of preceding-meaning. This process is practical movement even reflecting contradictory of the actual. The type is like stepping stones in order to find a practical meaning in our real life and history. The mediator-type contains self-reflection and reconsider about our own actions of meaning-production. Here and now, our works open a 'practical realism literature'. In short, the subject produces new meaning according to the critical intervention. While those works we understand each other through the medium of literature. And we could respond to the real situation of the North Korea people. The understanding and communication are a process for the formation of unified literature.

Solving of the divided literature & Adoption of the North Korean literature. - For the formation of unified literature   Noh, Gwi-Nam     This paper is a study on meta-theory for solving of the divided literature. The North Korean literature is measured by our standard. So we sometimes guess that's short of realty, or schematic story. The North Korean literature is a product of an literary action in North Korea. And it respond to a political system, therefore we need concepts of 'mediator' and 'type'. The two key words are useful to study the relations between literary texts and a realities of life. The subject makes meanings of the realities of life. A meaning is generated from triangle(subject-object-meaning), from not two-legged(object- meaning). Mediator means to join two things together, and it includes movement of the subject in order to get one meaning. So that meson, mediator is not a fixed thing. In the production process of meaning, I(the subject) am always alive to intervene in making post-meaning, by the medium of preceding-meaning. This process is practical movement even reflecting contradictory of the actual. The type is like stepping stones in order to find a practical meaning in our real life and history. The mediator-type contains self-reflection and reconsider about our own actions of meaning-production. Here and now, our works open a 'practical realism literature'. In short, the subject produces new meaning according to the critical intervention. While those works we understand each other through the medium of literature. And we could respond to the real situation of the North Korea people. The understanding and communication are a process for the formation of unified literature.