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해방기 민족문학은 전 민족을 포용할 수 있는 문학을 지향하였으며 우리문학이 해결해 나아가야 할 역사적 과제를 실천하고자 하였다. 조영출은 해방의 감격과 해방시기의 부정적 사회현실을 비판하고 자신의 이념을 시를 통해 적극적으로 표현하였다. 조영출의 문학은 모더니즘 초기부터 리얼리즘과 병존하는 현상을 드러내었을 뿐 아니라 서로 결합되는 양상을 보였다. 그가 일제강점기에 보여준 모더니즘 속의 리얼리즘은 해방기 역사의 현장성을 통해 새로운 변모의지를 펼쳐 보이며 분명한 리얼리즘의 형태로 나타났다. 그는 구체적 현실을 매개로 하여 그것을 충실히 반영하고 폭로하였을 뿐 아니라 민족 역사의 진리와 미래를 드러내며 보다 진전된 리얼리즘으로 나아가고자 하였다. 문학 자체보다 문학이 구현해야 할 시대적 현실과 목적의식을 강조하고 그것을 시를 통해 실현하고자 한 것이 조영출 해방기 시의 주된 특징이었다.

The national literature in the period of Liberation sought to embrace all nation, carrying out the historical task it commissioned itself to solve out. Cho Yeung-Chul, with the joy of independence from the Japanese colonial rule, expressed his strong desire for and ideas of a sovereign nation, while criticizing the destructive reality of the times in his poetry. In his early works written in the period of Japanese occupation, elements of realism and modernism coexisted and were combined together. With the Restoration of Independence, however, realistic elements in his modernist poems took a definite shape of realism through the historical reality of the Liberation period. The specific reality of the times was scrupulously observed and criticized in his poems in which the poet sought to show the truth and the vision of the national history, advancing further in his realism. Cho's realism, in this respect, was a means of expressing his belief in socialism and nationalism emphasizing the historical reality and goal that should be embodied in literature, rather than literature itself.

The national literature in the period of Liberation sought to embrace all nation, carrying out the historical task it commissioned itself to solve out. Cho Yeung-Chul, with the joy of independence from the Japanese colonial rule, expressed his strong desire for and ideas of a sovereign nation, while criticizing the destructive reality of the times in his poetry. In his early works written in the period of Japanese occupation, elements of realism and modernism coexisted and were combined together. With the Restoration of Independence, however, realistic elements in his modernist poems took a definite shape of realism through the historical reality of the Liberation period. The specific reality of the times was scrupulously observed and criticized in his poems in which the poet sought to show the truth and the vision of the national history, advancing further in his realism. Cho's realism, in this respect, was a means of expressing his belief in socialism and nationalism emphasizing the historical reality and goal that should be embodied in literature, rather than literature itself.