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이 논문은 일제 말기 1938년에서 1945년까지 조선에서 행해진 일제의 어문정책 하에 성립된 이광수의 이중어 글쓰기의 양상과 의미를 밝히는 것을 목적으로 한다. 1938년 제3차 조선교육령은 조선인의 ‘황국신민화’를 명분으로 내세웠지만, 실제로는 제국의 전쟁 징집을 용이하게 하기 위해 시행된 것이다. 어문정책으로 실시된 일본어 상용은 문학계에 이중언어 현상을 낳게 하였다. 이것은 식민지에서 일본어를 ‘중심어’로 규정하고, 조선어를 ‘주변어’로 전락시키는 이중어(diglossia) 사용관계로 작용하였다. 이것은 언어 사용에만 국한된 것이 아니라 민족 정체성의 영역으로 확대되어 ‘조선인’인 것에 대해 수치심을 갖도록 유도하였다. 이광수의 이중언어 문학 영역은 이중 언어의 병용 표기, 일본어 표기, 조선어에서 일본어로의 번역을 아우르는 것이었다. 이러한 문학적 특징을 보여주는 작품은 「선행장」, 「그들의 사랑」, 「가가와 교장」, 「파리」 등이다. 이 작품들에서 이중 언어 사용은 작가의 의도된 서사의 이탈과 이중 언어 혼용 표기로 인해 이질감을 낳았고, 번역 과정에서는 정체성의 혼란을 불러 일으켰다. 일본어 소설에서는 제국문화와는 상이한 조선의 문화와 언어 정체성이 서사 과정에서 자연스럽게 도출되기도 하였다. 이러한 양상들은 오히려 제국어의 정체성에 균열을 일으키며, 권력 언어인 일본어를 주변적 언어로 전락시키는 결과를 낳기도 하였다. 이광수의 이중어 글쓰기는 조선어이든지, 일본어이든지 서술과정에서 의식 · 무의식적으로 서로의 언어를 교섭하는 순간에 발생한 간섭현상이다. 이 현상은 조선어 속에 일본어 섞어 쓰기로 드러나며, 단일 언어 사용에서는 경험할 수 없는 이중어 글쓰기 작가만의 발화적 특징이다. 이중어 글쓰기는 작가가 말하려고 의도한 것과 표현된 언어 사이에 존재하는 본질적인 차이에 의해 창작 주체의 의도와 표현의 결과는 항상 어긋날 수밖에 없었다. 결국 이중 언어 작가인 이광수는 일제의 국책에 협력하면서도 조선적인 정체성으로 인해 제국 문학에 완전히 편입하지 못하고 ‘차이’를 드러내었다.

The purpose of the thesis is to analyze the aspect and meaning in Lee Guang-su's bilingual writings in the late Japanese Empire in 1938-1945. The policy of Japanese language had made literatures in colonized Chosun being under the bilingual situation by the educational legislation in Chosun the 3rd in 1938. This acted upon the policy of language in colonized Chosun. Korean languge, namely, had become minor language, on the other hand, Japanese language had became main lanuage in colonized Chosun. It had worked by the diglossia as utility connection. It had affected not only linguistic realm, but also the sphere of the national identity. It had brought about the result that people felt themselves shameful in colonized Chosun. Lee Guang-su's literatures were the translations in several ways; the works with bilingual language, the works by Japanese language, and translations between Korean and Japanese language. They were <Sunhangjang>(선행장), <their love>(그들의 사랑), <the principal, Kagawa>(가가와 교장). They had intentionally showed a breakaway from the writer. Moreover they had also showed a state of confusion that broke out in the process of the bilingual translation. After all these aspects had arrived at the consequence which Japanese language, the supremacy language had been changing to minor language. The bilingual writings had been broke out as the situation of interference in the moment of connecting between Korean language and Japanese language. It wasn't seen in the phenomena in the monolingual language. The writer's intention slided constantly into the different way and representation in the bilingual realm. It is the feature of the speech-act under the bilingual situation. As a matter of fact, the writers intention was not entirely same to the consequence of writing-act. Therefore the bilingual writer, Lee Guang-su was showed the differences owing to his national identity, “the nation Chosun” although he took part in the Japanese Empire and tried to be a co-worker with Japanese literatures.

The purpose of the thesis is to analyze the aspect and meaning in Lee Guang-su's bilingual writings in the late Japanese Empire in 1938-1945. The policy of Japanese language had made literatures in colonized Chosun being under the bilingual situation by the educational legislation in Chosun the 3rd in 1938. This acted upon the policy of language in colonized Chosun. Korean languge, namely, had become minor language, on the other hand, Japanese language had became main lanuage in colonized Chosun. It had worked by the diglossia as utility connection. It had affected not only linguistic realm, but also the sphere of the national identity. It had brought about the result that people felt themselves shameful in colonized Chosun. Lee Guang-su's literatures were the translations in several ways; the works with bilingual language, the works by Japanese language, and translations between Korean and Japanese language. They were <Sunhangjang>(선행장), <their love>(그들의 사랑), <the principal, Kagawa>(가가와 교장). They had intentionally showed a breakaway from the writer. Moreover they had also showed a state of confusion that broke out in the process of the bilingual translation. After all these aspects had arrived at the consequence which Japanese language, the supremacy language had been changing to minor language. The bilingual writings had been broke out as the situation of interference in the moment of connecting between Korean language and Japanese language. It wasn't seen in the phenomena in the monolingual language. The writer's intention slided constantly into the different way and representation in the bilingual realm. It is the feature of the speech-act under the bilingual situation. As a matter of fact, the writers intention was not entirely same to the consequence of writing-act. Therefore the bilingual writer, Lee Guang-su was showed the differences owing to his national identity, “the nation Chosun” although he took part in the Japanese Empire and tried to be a co-worker with Japanese literatures.