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이 글의 관심은 독본 혹은 독본 생산을 둘러싼 장면에 침전된 다양한 ‘정치적 · 문화적 위계의 흔적들’을 살펴보는 것이다. 이를 통해 궁극적으로는 근대 독본의 역사적 존재방식을 구체적으로 재구하려는 것인바, 여기서는 주로 2차 교육령기 조선총독부의 대표적인 조선어독본과 민간 독본을 우선 살폈다. 당시 조선총독부의 조선어독본은 동일한 학제의 수립과 통합을 위한 인프라 구축에도 불구하고 교수자와 학생들 사이에서 비판을 면치 못하는 수준이었다. 이것은 일제의 문화통합의 의도가 그대로 관철되지는 않았음을 의미한다. 일제는 스스로 식민지 조선의 역사를 만들었지만 그러나 그것을 자기의 뜻대로 만든 것은 아니었다. 식민지 조선의 역사는 일제가 ‘선택한 환경’ 속에서 만든 것이 아니라 자기 앞에 ‘놓여 있는 환경’―이미 이루어졌거나 과거에서 물려받은―속에서 만든 것이다. 그리고 놓여있는 환경은 텍스트를 통한 문화적 역류를 가능케 하여 민간 독본의 여지(餘地)를 마련함으로써 민간 독본의 생산 시스템을 촉진시켰다. 즉 죽은 전통을 새롭게 호출하기도 있고, 피식민지인의 생존 전략을 자극하기도 하였으며, 전유(專有)의 과정을 통해 탈영토화의 지렛대로 작용했던 것이었다. 『조선어 독본』에서의 편지는 근대적 의사소통과 보편적 문식력의 차원에서 혹은 ‘현지’성을 강화하기 위한 독자 생산의 시스템이 개입된 것인데, 『시문독본』은 편지에 ‘문학적인 것’을, 기행(문)에는 ‘민족적인 것’이라는 표상을 덧씌움으로써 또 다른 의미의 적극적 생산을 시도하였다. 즉 독자의 내면을 표현하는 문종이자 미문(美文)에의 욕망을 자극하는 기제로 편지가 수용되었다. 또 기행(문)에서는 독자들의 내셔널리티를 길러주는 의미로 ‘자연’이 기능하면서 ‘재발견’되었던 것이다. 총독부 편집과를 통한 독본에의 적극적 개입, 즉 독본 생산의 시스템과 민간독본의 제재를 공유하면서도 문화통합을 은폐하는 독본의 내용, 즉 독본의 생산 시스템은 일제의 조선어 정책과 교과서에 대한 접근을 지배/저항, 타율성/자율성 논의로 단순화할 수 없게 한다. 복수(複數)의 글쓰기 사이에 존재하는 길항(拮抗)적 측면도 중요하지만 공존과 분할의 방식 및 상호영향을 상정할 필요가 있다.

This study took interest in investigating the “traces of diverse political and cultural hierarchies” accumulated at the bottom of the scene around basic readers themselves or the production of basic readers. The ultimate goal was to reorganize the ways of modern basic readers' historical existence in specific ways. Examined in the study for the purpose were the major Korean basic readers issued by the Chosun Government-General and the private basic readers during the period of Second Education Act. Although the Korean basic readers issued by the Chosun Government- General attempted to install the infrastructure(the textbook publication system) to establish and integrate the same educational system across the nation, they attracted active criticism both from the teachers and the students, which means that the Japanese rulers' purport for cultural integration didn't pan out the way they intended. They made the history of colonized Chosun, but it was not according to their will. The history of colonized Chosun was not written in the “environment chosen by the Japanese rulers” but in the “environment given(or already formed or inherited) in front of them.” The given environment allowed for the “countercurrent of integration” and created a room for private basic readers, thus promoting the production system of private basic readers. In other words, it would call for the dead tradition anew, stimulate the survival strategy of the colonized people, or serve as a lever for deterritorialization through the appropriation process. The letters in the Korean Basic Readers were the results of the introduction of a reader production system to promote modern communication or overall literacy or to lecture about “locality.” In the Poetry and Prose Basic Readers, they covered the letters with “something literary” and the travel sketches with “something nationalistic” and thus attempted active production of a different meaning. That is, they introduced letters to the basic readers as a mechanism to describe the inside of the readers and stir their desire for beautiful writing. In the travel sketches, “nature” functioned to increase the readers' nationality and was “rediscovered.” The Edition Department of the Chosun Government-General was actively involved in basic readers. The contents of the basic readers concealed integration while having the production system of basic readers share with the private basic readers in terms of materials and systems. That is, the production system of basic readers made it impossible for the Japanese rulers to simplify their approaches towards Korean language policies and textbooks in the logic of dominance/resistance and heteronomy/autonomy. Although the competition aspect present between plural writings is important, it's necessary to suppose the ways of coexistence and separation and the mutual influences.

This study took interest in investigating the “traces of diverse political and cultural hierarchies” accumulated at the bottom of the scene around basic readers themselves or the production of basic readers. The ultimate goal was to reorganize the ways of modern basic readers' historical existence in specific ways. Examined in the study for the purpose were the major Korean basic readers issued by the Chosun Government-General and the private basic readers during the period of Second Education Act. Although the Korean basic readers issued by the Chosun Government- General attempted to install the infrastructure(the textbook publication system) to establish and integrate the same educational system across the nation, they attracted active criticism both from the teachers and the students, which means that the Japanese rulers' purport for cultural integration didn't pan out the way they intended. They made the history of colonized Chosun, but it was not according to their will. The history of colonized Chosun was not written in the “environment chosen by the Japanese rulers” but in the “environment given(or already formed or inherited) in front of them.” The given environment allowed for the “countercurrent of integration” and created a room for private basic readers, thus promoting the production system of private basic readers. In other words, it would call for the dead tradition anew, stimulate the survival strategy of the colonized people, or serve as a lever for deterritorialization through the appropriation process. The letters in the Korean Basic Readers were the results of the introduction of a reader production system to promote modern communication or overall literacy or to lecture about “locality.” In the Poetry and Prose Basic Readers, they covered the letters with “something literary” and the travel sketches with “something nationalistic” and thus attempted active production of a different meaning. That is, they introduced letters to the basic readers as a mechanism to describe the inside of the readers and stir their desire for beautiful writing. In the travel sketches, “nature” functioned to increase the readers' nationality and was “rediscovered.” The Edition Department of the Chosun Government-General was actively involved in basic readers. The contents of the basic readers concealed integration while having the production system of basic readers share with the private basic readers in terms of materials and systems. That is, the production system of basic readers made it impossible for the Japanese rulers to simplify their approaches towards Korean language policies and textbooks in the logic of dominance/resistance and heteronomy/autonomy. Although the competition aspect present between plural writings is important, it's necessary to suppose the ways of coexistence and separation and the mutual influences.