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『일동장유가』 는 계미년(1763)에 통신사로 참여한 김인겸의 공적‧사적 체험을 기록한 가사로, 조엄의 『해사일기』등과 함께 사행 체험을 엿볼 수 있는 문헌자료다. 일본에 대한 반감, 異國 체험의 설렘 등을 안고 떠난 사행 여정을 국문가사로 기술한 『일동장유가』는, 개인 체험을 넘어 조선후기 이용후생사상, 경험적 사실 진술양식으로 가사의 영역 확장, 작가의 기질적 해학성을 함축한 작품이다. 그러나 18세기 서얼출신 향촌 사대부인 김인겸은 새롭게 부각되는 실학사상에 낯설고, 신분 동요에 적응하지 못한다. 이국 풍경에 경탄하고, 새로운 토산물과 놀라운 과학적 성과물을 보면서 변화를 체감하지만, 이것은 여행자의 설렘이고, 사대부의 애민의식 이상의 진전은 아니다. 때문에, 그를 이용후생 학자로 보기도 어렵고, 체험을 통해 인식을 변모시킨 인물로 보기도 어렵다. 다만, 생사를 넘나드는 충격적 경험을 국문가사로 창작해, 체험을 공유하며 자기 존재를 확인하여, 가문의 결속을 강화하려한 작가일 뿐이다. 통신사행 기록을 활발하게 연구하는 지금, 국문시가 양식으로 기술된 『일동장유가』를 통해, 18세기 조선 선비, 특히 서얼 출신 향촌 선비가 사행체험 전후의 거리를 조정하면서 세계관을 확립해 가는 과정을 엿볼 수 있다.

『Ildongjangyuga』 is Gasa that recorded the public and private experiences of Kim In-gyeom, who participated in a journey as an envoy in Gyeminyeon(1763). It is a literary document that enables us to glimpse his journey experiences along with Jo Eum’s 『Haesa Ilgi』. 『Ildongjangyuga』, describes the journey in which Kim In-gyeom went off while having hostility toward Japan and thrill of experiencing a foreign country, and, as Gasa written in the Korean script, it is a work that exceeds the level of personal experience while extending the boundary of Gasa and condensing the temperamental humor of the author with its promotion of the public welfare ideology of later Joseon as well as an experiential description of facts. However, Kim In-gyeom as a noble countryman in the 18th century, was unfamiliar with newly emerging practical science and found it difficult to chaotic social class system. Although he was fascinated by exotic scenes and felt changes from new local products and amazing scientific achievements, this was simply a thrill as a traveler and nothing more than love of the people as a nobleman. Therefore, it is hard to see him not only as a scholar to promote public welfare, but also one who made a difference in awareness via his experience. Rather, he is considered a gasa writer who tried to share his experience, identify himself, and reinforce the solidarity of his family, by creating shocking life and death struggles in Gasa. In the present, when the record of an envoy’s journey is being actively studied, this study was able to discover the process of establishing the worldview of a classical scholar of 18th century Joseon as it adjusted between before and after the envoy’s journey through 『Ildongjangyuga』, described in the form of an anthology in Korean