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이 논문은 일본어 어휘적 복합동사의 유대(有對)동사를 대상으로 하여 타동성이라는 관점에서 일본어 자동사문과 타동사문의 대응 원리를 연구한 것이다. 복합동사는 본동사와 달리 자동사와 타동사의 대립을 갖는 경우에도 타동사문으로 나타낸 사상을 자동사문으로 바꾸어 쓰기 어려운 경우가 많다. 이 차이는 본동사의 유대타동사가 동작주의 작용 과정의 양태보다는 작용의 결과 즉대상의 상태변화에 주목하는 반면 복합동사의 유대타동사는 V1이 V2의 수단을

This study aims to explore the correspondence principle of the Japanese transitiveand intransitive verbs from the perspective of transitivity of the transitive-intransitivepairs of the Japanese lexical compound verbs. In the case of the compound verbs, unlike the main verbs, the events describedwith the transitive verbs are hard to be described with the intransitive verbs evenwhen there are the transitive-intransitive pairs. Because the V1 of the transitiveversion of the compound verb represents the mean of the V2, while the transitiveversion of the main verb focuses on the result of the action or the change of theobject, rather than the aspect of the action process of the agent, it is arguable thatthis difference occurs from the aspect of the action process of the agent. For thisreason, I built a hypothesis that the transitive verbs which have a lower degree oftransitivity can be replaced into the intransitive verbs, and analysed the corpus datato put forward evidence to support the hypothesis. And it appears that the transitive verb cannot be replaced into intransitive verbwhen the subject is the agent and the degree of transitivity is high. In case of theexperiencer subject and inanimate subject, however, there is no problem in replacingthe transitive verb into the intransitive verb because there is just one substance thatis involved in the event and the action is not intentional so the degree of transitivityis low. And even when the agent is the subject of the sentence, substitution intothe intransitive verb can be made if the control has not reached to the consequenceevent represented with V2 and the result of an action is focused. Finally, it is also argued that when affix-like V1 does not have actual meaningor the change expressed with V2 is not concrete, the degree of transitivity can belowered.