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This paper is focusing to analyze the multiculturalism developed countries through the seven components Migrant Integration Policy Index: MIPEX and comparative analysis based on the results of analysis. This paper adapt a method of concrete measures in seven areas consists of four sub indices to get a policy implication for Korea. The 2007(MIPEX II) and 2011(MIPEX III) were used to comparative analysis of the practices of France and Canada. France government highlighted the specific religious, cultural features of North African immigrants, and has imposed assimilation within French secular society. Canadian government, however, invented a legal frame work to guarantee the existence of the development as well as the security of its population and territory. This study derived the policy implications as follows. First, the multi-cultural society and integration is a long-term challenges to be pursued, to formate a social psychological mechanism on the multicultural expatriates in the respect of long-term vision. Second, the responsibility of the central government under independent supervision mechanism to manage the entire control to be effective. Third, study on the Muslim immigrants are promoted as part of a effective solution for locals and migrants,Fourth, the process and perception on the multo culturalism of the social consensus is important. Finally, multi-cultural policy and promotion strategy of repatriation program to maintain a sustainable immigrant system in Korea.