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이 글에서는 4.19직후 『사상계』의 민주화 담론을 살펴보고, 같은 시기 발표된 4.19배경 소설에서 연좌제가 지닌 의의를 살펴보았다. 1960년 4.19이후부터 1961년 5.16에 이르기까지 민주화 담론은 크게 두 가지 층위에서 다루어졌다. 의(義)의 세대를 예찬하고 과거 청산의 의지를 가지고 있었으며, 반공이데올로기를 비판하면서 통일 지향 담론을 전개해 나갔다. 1960년 4.19직후 『사상계』에 발표된 4.19배경 소설은 1961년 5.16이 발발하기 전까지 4.19 개혁담론이 지닌 구체적인 사안이 무엇인지 시사해 주고 있다. 1960년 『사상계』7월 8월호에 발표된 김동립의 「連帶者」와 김이석의 「흐름속에서」는 4.19를 배경으로 반공이데올로기의 남용과 연좌제 문제를 조명하고 있다. 그들은 반공 이데올로기를 비판하면서 우리 민족이 극복해야 할 현실적인 사안인 ‘분단 문제’에 접근한다. 두 작가는 모두 젊은이들이 연좌제에 묶여있는 자신의 입지를 발견하고, 4.19에 참여하면서 죽는 것으로 작품을 끝맺고 있다. 4.19의 민주화 담론이 지향하는 민권의 토대가 개인의 자유와 평등을 지향한다고 할 때, 이들이야 말로 자유를 잃고 현실에서 부당하게 배척당하는 존재이다. 두 작가는 부역자/월북자 가족의 젊은이와 4.19 참여를 동궤에 다룸으로써, 반공이데올로기를 비판하고 분단 극복 의지를 시사한다.

This study explored a discourse of democracy and the significance of the Guilt-by-association System in novels with the 4.19 Revolution as their background published in Sasanggye just after the 4.19 Revolution. Among various magazines in those days, Sasanggye was chosen because it, as a general cultural magazine, illuminated the 4.19 Revolution from various aspects and played the role of a charging station for intellectuals. A discourse of democracy from April 19, 1960 to May 16, 1961 appeared two discourse of democracy. The first was the admiration about the generation of justice and the liquidation of the past. The other was the anticommunism-criticism and the aim for reunification. Until now, research on novels on the 4.19 Revolution has been mainly focused on the generation of the 4.19 Revolution, and in particular, studies on novels with the 4.19 Revolution as their background have not been many. It is because, different from the Korean War, the 4.19 Revolution was not an experience of the whole country but was a manifestation of intellectuals’ consciousness and, in this sense, it was expressed as writers’ maturity of consciousness rather than as literary creation. Novels based on the 4.19 Revolution published in Sasanggye just after the 4.19 Revolution in 1960 suggest what intellectuals in those days expected from the 4.19 Revolution and what progressive meanings the 4.19 Revolution had. Kim Dong-rip’s Yeondaeja and Kim Yi-seok’s In the Middle of Stream published, respectively, in the July and October issues of Sasanggye in 1960 were written with the 4.19 Revolution as their background, and both illuminate the issue of the guilt-by-association system. In Kim Dong-rip’s Yeondaeja, a promising college graduate who is preparing for his study in the U.S. finds that his father and brother worked for the communists during the Korean War. Since then, he loses his way and sees the 4.19 Revolution. Through the 4.19 Revolution, he confirms his identity and sweeps spies from North Korea until he dies. In Kim Yi-seok’s In the Middle of Stream, a high school graduate applies to the Korea Military Academy but has to give up his dream because his family took the side of North Korea during the war. The student joins the 4.19 Revolution and loses his life. In the two works, the writers suggest indirectly the issues of historical rectification and reunification of the country through the young people’s sacrifices under the guilt-by-association system. Through the two novels, we can see the progressive discourse of the 4.19 Revolution just after the revolution (from April 19, 1960 to May 16, 1961) that democracy is directly linked to national reunification.