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좌심실-우심방 단락(Gerbode defect)은 매우 드문 심장내 기형중 하나로 선천적으로 발생하거나 후천적으로 판막 치환술, 심근경색, 심내막염, 외상 후에 발생하는 것으로 알려져 있다. 본 증례는 감염성 심내막염이 이첨판 대동맥 판막에서 병발하여 좌심실-우심방 단락이 동반된 경우이고, 다른 질환으로 오인되기 쉬운 드문 심기형을 진단함에 있어 실시간 3차원 심초음파로 진 단하였기에 보고하는 바이다.

Left ventricular-right atrial communications, known as Gerbode-type defects, are rare intracardiac defects that can be either congenital or acquired. Acquired forms arises from endocarditis, trauma, mitral or aortic valve replacement and myocardial infarction. In this case, a forty-seven year-old man with resting dyspnea and fever was diagnosed to have infected congenital bicuspid aortic valve resulting in severe acute aortic regurgitation and he also was diagnosed to have a Gerbode-type defect which were demonstrated by the color doppler method and realtime three-dimensional echocardiography. The causasive organism was Streptococcus mitis. After sufficient antibiotics therapy, aortic valve replacement was performed and the atrioventricular portion of the membranous septum was closed directly with mattress suture. We also review the anatomical features and hemodynamic consequences of such a defect.

Left ventricular-right atrial communications, known as Gerbode-type defects, are rare intracardiac defects that can be either congenital or acquired. Acquired forms arises from endocarditis, trauma, mitral or aortic valve replacement and myocardial infarction. In this case, a forty-seven year-old man with resting dyspnea and fever was diagnosed to have infected congenital bicuspid aortic valve resulting in severe acute aortic regurgitation and he also was diagnosed to have a Gerbode-type defect which were demonstrated by the color doppler method and realtime three-dimensional echocardiography. The causasive organism was Streptococcus mitis. After sufficient antibiotics therapy, aortic valve replacement was performed and the atrioventricular portion of the membranous septum was closed directly with mattress suture. We also review the anatomical features and hemodynamic consequences of such a defect.

키워드열기/닫기 버튼

Gerbode defect·Left ventricular-right atrial communication·Bicuspid aortic valve·Infective endocarditis·Real time three-dimensional echocardiography.