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지구 온난화와 그에 따라 발생빈도가 늘어난 이상기온 현상으로 인해 제조업과 서비스 업종에서 감당해야할 기후위험 역시 증가하는 추세에 있다. 본 연구는 Pardo et al. (2002)이 이용한 간단한 실증모델 추정을 통해 품목별 기후리스크를 측정한다. 실증분석의 결과, 제조업 품목의 26.7%, 서비스 업종의 27.9%가 날씨여건에 따라 판매량이나 경영성과에 유의미한 변화를 경험하고 있는 것으로 나타났다.

Given the presence of global warming, the economic impact of climate changes on output sales has been discussed in the literature, but rarely with empirical evidences. In this present study, a simple log-model was employed to identify the economic impacts of weather changes in manufacturing and service sectors in Korea. For this empirical exercise, weather variables including the CDD (cooling degree days) and HDD (heating degree days) were computed using the Korea's meteorological records covering the period 1970-2012. According to estimation results, 26.7% (144 over 539) and 27.9% (64 over 229) of the manufacturing and service sectors, respectively, are found to be weather-sensitive.